Kei Tua o te Pae
Kei Tua o te Pae/Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars is a best-practice guide that will help teachers continue to improve the quality of their teaching.
The exemplars are a series of books that will help teachers to understand and strengthen children's learning. It also shows how children, parents and whānau can contribute to this assessment and ongoing learning.
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Having clear goals
Assessment for learning implies that we have some aims or goals for children’s learning. Te Whāriki provides the framework for defining learning and what is to be learned. The goals and indicative learning outcomes are set out in strands.
Wellbeing – Mana atua
"The health and well-being of the child are protected and nurtured. Children experience an environment where their health is promoted, their emotional well-being is nurtured, and they are kept safe from harm.
Ko tēnei te whakatipuranga o te tamaiti i roto i tōna oranga nui, i runga hoki i tōna mana motuhake, mana atuatanga ... Kia rongo ia i te rangimārie, te aroha, me te harikoa, ā, kia mōhio ki te manaaki, ki te atawhai, me whakahirahira i a ia me ōna hoa, me ōna pakeke."
Te Whāriki, pages 46 and 35
Belonging – Mana whenua
"Children and their families feel a sense of belonging. Children ... experience an environment where connecting links with the family and the wider world are affirmed and extended; they know that they have a place; they feel comfortable with the routines, customs, and regular events; they know the limits and boundaries of acceptable behaviour.
Ko te whakatipuranga tēnei o te mana motuhake, te mana tūrangawaewae, me te mana toi whenua o te tangata … Ko te tūmanako mō te mokopuna. Kia mōhio ia ki ōna tūrangawaewae, ki ōna marae, ki ngā pepeha hoki o ōna iwi ... ki te mana o te whenua. Kia mōhio ia ki te manaaki, ki te tiaki i te whenua, nō te mea, i ahu mai te oranga i te whenua."
Te Whāriki, pages 54 and 36
Contribution – Mana tangata
"Opportunities for learning are equitable, and each child’s contribution is valued. Children experience an environment where there are equitable opportunities for learning, irrespective of gender, ability, age, ethnicity, or background; they are affirmed as individuals; they are encouraged to learn with and alongside others.
Ko te whakatipuranga tēnei o te kiritau tangata i roto i te mokopuna kia tū māia ai ia ki te manaaki, ki te tuku whakaaro ki te ao … Kia mōhio ia ki ōna whakapapa, ki te pātahi o ōna whānau, ki ōna kaumātua me ōna pakeke … Kia mōhio hoki ki a Ranginui rāua Papatūānuku, ā rāua tamariki, me ngā kōrero mō rātou."
Te Whāriki, pages 64 and 35
Communication – Mana reo
"The languages and symbols of their own and other cultures are promoted and protected. Children experience an environment where they develop non-verbal and verbal communication skills for a range of purposes; they experience the stories and symbols of their own and other cultures; they discover and develop different ways to be creative and expressive.
Ko tēnei mea ko te reo, he matapihi e whakaatu ana i ngā tikanga me ngā whakapono o te iwi … Kia mōhio te mokopuna ki tōna ao, ki te ao Māori, te ao o nāianei, me te ao o āpōpō, mā te reo Māori.
Te Whāriki, pages 72 and 36
Exploration – Mana aotūroa
"The child learns through active exploration of the environment. Children experience an environment where their play is valued as meaningful learning and the importance of spontaneous play is recognised; they gain confidence in and control of their bodies; they learn strategies for active exploration, thinking, and reasoning; they develop working theories for making sense of the natural, social, physical, and material worlds.
Ko te whakatipuranga tēnei o te mana rangahau, me ngā mātauranga katoa e pā ana ki te aotūroa me te taiao. Ka ako te mokopuna i tōna ōritetanga me tōna rerekētanga ki te taiao. Ka titiro whānui, ka titiro whāiti ki ngā taonga o te ao … Kia mātau ia ki tōna aotūroa mai i te rongo ā-taringa, rongo ā-whatu, rongo ā-waha, rongo ā-ihu, rongo ā-ringa, rongo ā-kiri, ā, mai hoki i ōna whatumanawa."
Te Whāriki, pages 82 and 37
There are particular dimensions for considering Māori educational advancement.