Circular 2017/03 - Settlement of the Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement 2017-2019 and the School Caretakers', Cleaners' and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement 2017-2019

This circular is about the recent settlement of the Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement, and the School Caretakers’, Cleaners’ and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement.

Date 31 May 2017 | Circular 2017/03 | Category Employment Relations

This circular is about the recent settlement of the Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement, and the School Caretakers’, Cleaners’ and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement.

This circular replaces this circular does not replace any other.

The action needed is to note the contents of this circular and complete the requirements concerning all employment agreements if applicable. Schools will be advised in due course about the first pay period in which the new rates will be paid.

It is intended for Chairpersons of Boards of Trustees and Principals of all state and state integrated primary, area and secondary schools.

For more information Contact your NZ School Trustees Association about human resource issues generally on 0800 782 435.  Email the Ministry of Education's Employment Relations Unit:

Introduction - Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement 2017-2019

The Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement 2017-2019 was recently ratified by members of the Amalgamated Workers Union Southern Incorporated, the Northern Amalgamated Workers Union Incorporated, and the Central Amalgamated Workers Union Incorporated. This circular details key features of that new collective agreement and also contains information for new employees and for existing employees on Individual Employment Agreements (IEAs).

Printed copies are now being prepared by the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) and the Ministry of Education. NZSTA will then distribute a copy to all boards. The full collective agreement is available on the Ministry of Education website.

Key features of the settlement

The term of the new Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement is from 19 May 2017 until 28 January 2019.

From 19 May 2017, the printed minimum hourly rate for Secondary and Area Groundstaff will increase by 1.0%, with a further increase of 1.0% from 28 January 2018, as follows:

 Grounds LabourerAssistant GroundskeeperGroundskeeperSenior Groundskeeper
From 1/5/15 $15.83 $16.33 $16.62 $18.02
From 19/5/17 $15.99 $16.49 $16.79 $18.20
From 28/1/18 $16.15 $16.66 $16.95 $18.38

Other changes
The Terms of Settlement commit the parties to joint discussions in good faith about possible future amalgamation of School Caretakers’, Cleaners’ and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement, and the Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement: The parties have agreed to engage in constructive discussions in good faith with E tū and the NZSTA about consolidating both collective agreements into a single collective agreement at the next bargaining. The discussions will be convened by the Ministry during the term of the School Caretakers’, Cleaners’ and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement, and the Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement.

Individual Employment Agreements

An Individual Employment Agreement based on the terms and conditions of the Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement 2017-2019 has been promulgated and is available on the Ministry’s website.

Existing employees on old IEAs will be entitled to the new wage rates from the date that they sign the new IEA. New employees who are not union members must sign the IEA from their first day of employment.


Introduction - School Caretakers', Cleaners' and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement 2017-2019

The School Caretakers’, Cleaners’ and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement 2017-2019 was recently ratified by members of E tū. This circular details key features of that new collective agreement and also contains information for new employees and for existing employees on Individual Employment Agreements (IEAs).

Printed copies are now being prepared by the NZSTA and the Ministry of Education. NZSTA will then distribute a copy to all boards. The full collective agreement is available on the Ministry of Education website.

Key features of the settlement

The term of the new collective agreement is from 8 May 2017 to 7 June 2019.

1.2% increase on 8 May 2017, and from 8 May 2018 adoption of new remuneration scales to better recognise attainment of qualifications and supervisory responsibilities, and elimination of three current allowances.

Other changes

  1. The Terms of Settlement commit the parties to joint discussions in good faith about possible future amalgamation of the School Caretakers’, Cleaners’ and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement, and the Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement.  The discussions will be convened by the Ministry during the term of the School Caretakers’ Cleaners’ and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement, and the Secondary and Area School Groundstaff Collective Agreement.
  2. Commitment for the NZSTA to survey Boards of Trustees about their satisfaction with contracted cleaning and caretaking services, and share these results with E tū.

Individual Employment Agreements

An Individual Employment Agreement based on the terms and conditions of School Caretakers, Cleaners’ and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement 2017-2019 has been promulgated and is available on the Ministry’s website.

Existing employees on old IEAs will be entitled to the new wage rates from the date that they sign the new IEA. New employees who are not union members must sign the IEA from their first day of employment.


Issued by

Tanya Duncan, Acting Senior Manager Employment Relations, Education Workforce, Early Learning and Student Achievement
Ministry of Education, National Office, Matauranga House, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington 6011
PO Box 1666, Wellington 6140, New Zealand, Phone 04-463 8000, Fax 04-463 8001, Email

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