Trades and Apprenticeships Training Package
Budget 2020 makes major investments jobs and training in response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic with a $1.6 billion Trades and Apprenticeships Training Package.
It includes:
- $334.1 million for additional tertiary education enrolments
- $320.0 million targeted investment support for free trades training in critical industries over the next two years to help people who have lost their jobs retrain, and also allow new employees in some essential services to train on the job. This will include courses linked to industry skills needs, in building and construction, agriculture, and manufacturing, and also vocational courses like community health, counselling and care work. The fund will be available from 1 July, 2020.
- Up to $412.0 million support for employers to retain and keep training their apprentices to provide continuity
- $276.0 million funding for Workforce Development Councils and Regional Skills Leadership groups (led by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) , to be established to strategically plan for the recovery of industries and jobs from the impact of COVID-19, give industry and regions a greater voice and help them respond to COVID-19
- $141.0 million for a general 1.6% increase to tertiary education tuition and training subsidies to meet cost pressures
- $32.3 million increased funding to meet demand in Trades Academies and increase the volume of Trades Academy places in secondary schools by 1,000 places a year from 2021
- $50.0 million to support Māori trades training – this initiative is led by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. They will manage this funding
- $19.4 million for group training schemes to support apprentices
- $11.5 million of operating funding and $15.0 million of capital funding for a new online careers advice system for learners and workers to plan and manage their careers throughout their lifetime, and understand their transferable skills.
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