Supporting Māori learners, Kōhanga Reo, and revitalising te reo Māori
A total of $200 million is being provided to support Māori learners and whānau to reconnect and succeed in education post COVID-19, strengthen the integration of te reo Māori into all students’ learning, and boost support for Māori learners and whānau to stay connected with education services following COVID-19.
Funding will deliver a coherent, integrated programme of support for Māori learners and whānau, for all learners of te reo Māori, and the education workforce. Over the next four years, support includes:
- $51.0 million to support iwi and Māori organisations to provide facilitation and brokerage services between Māori learners and whānau and local education services
- $108.3 million to expand delivery of Te Ahu o te Reo Māori, strengthening the capability and confidence of up to 40,000 kaiako and up to 10,000 teachers to successfully integrate te reo Māori into all students’ learning, online and in the classroom using innovative learning approaches
- $13.0 million to expand delivery of Te Kawa Matakura to three more regions and create more young Māori leaders through mātauranga and te reo Māori, supported by iwi
- $8.0 million over the next four years to maintain delivery of a te reo Māori immersion programme nationally for up to 75 new whānau each year
- $15.3 million to increase te reo Māori curriculum resources
- $4.4 million will contribute to ensuring the successful implementation of all the Māori language initiatives.
In addition, Budget 2020 invests over $196.2 million into kōhanga reo, reinforcing the Government’s commitment to revitalising te Reo Māori and giving mokopuna the best start in their early learning as part of the Government’s comprehensive COVID-19 response. This includes:
- $65.1 million over four years into increased funding rates for kōhanga reo. This will be paid through the ECE subsidies from 1 July 2020. The funding will help sustain kōhanga reo and cushion the economic and social impacts of COVID-19 in vulnerable communities. More mokopuna will be able to learn sufficient te reo Māori to enter the Māori medium pathway with confidence, helping to revitalise te reo and make it an integral part of their education
- $21.1 million over four years to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust for ongoing work to assess, remedy and rehabilitate kōhanga reo properties
- $13.8 million to support the kōhanga reo network and enhance the capability and capacity of its people
- $93.4 million to confirm existing levels of funding originally put in place last year to meet pressing funding needs, particularly associated with improving pay for kaiako and kaimahi. This and the new funding to increase funding rates will provide for a stronger, more experienced workforce to deliver the kōhanga reo kaupapa
- $2.8 million has been allocated to work with kōhanga reo trust to provide support for kōhanga whānau to support tamariki with learning support needs. This will help sign-post whānau to relevant resources, provide online training for kaiako and whānau on inclusive learning support strategies based on kaupapa Māori and support those dealing with issues of anxiety as a result of the COVID-19 situation.
Over 8,400 mokopuna currently attend kōhanga reo with their whānau. Here they immerse themselves in an environment of holistic support as they learn tikanga and absorb te reo Māori as well as Māori traditions, customs and value, while they continue receiving dedicated teaching and care.
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