Connect to ELI

painting children

Common terms

Terms Description
ECE Early Childhood Education
NSN National Student Number
SMS Student Management System
Ministry Ministry of Education

What does it mean to connect to ELI

Early learning services connect to ELI by submitting data to the Ministry via ELI Web or an SMS. To connect to ELI, early learning services must have a unique logon and password. 

How does my service connect to ELI

The ELI Information Pack for New ECE Services, located under the Resources tab provides instructions on how to connect to ELI and the considerations your service will need to make.

ELI resources

 Early learning services should only use either ELI Web or an approved commercial SMS.

If you decide to use ELI Web, you will login via the ELI Web application and your data will be sent automatically to the Ministry. 

ELI Web – Ministry of Education Applications(external link)

If you decide to use an SMS, you will login via your software and may be required to submit your data to the Ministry.


What is the difference between using ELI Web or an SMS to connect to ELI

An SMS typically provides more functionality than ELI Web. ELI Web is designed to collect the required data from early learning services that do not use an SMS.

I am a new service, how long do I have to connect to ELI

Early learning services are expected to connect to the ELI system within 8 weeks of the license being issued. Early learning services that do not connect within this timeframe will be in breach of the funding conditions set out in the ECE Funding Handbook.

ECE Funding Handbook

What should services do to prepare to connect to ELI

  1. Read the ELI Information Pack for New ECE Services and make arrangements to connect to via ELI Web or an SMS.
  2. Make sure your service is using the most recent enrolment agreement form.
  3. Ask for a copy of each child's official identification documentation upon enrolment. This document will be used to allocate or create NSNs.
  4. Decide who from your service(s) needs to have access to submit ELI data and get them to compete the relevant Education Sector Account forms.


Principles of use

When should I begin entering enrolment and attendance data

Early learning services must begin entering ELI data within 8 weeks of your license being issued. But the enrolment and attendance data should be entered from the date the service's license was issued.

How do I get ELI access for my service

Depending on the method you use to connect to ELI, your service may need an Education Sector Account. You can request an Education Sector account by completing the relevant forms located on the Resources page.


Education Sector Accounts are required for the following access.


National student index


ELI reports

RS7 return submitter

No SMS (ELI Web)










All other SMS





What is an Education Sector Account

An Education Sector Account is a unique logon for individuals to access certain Ministry systems. Education Sector Accounts are used to make sure our systems are secure and the information being accessed on these systems through the use of a logon and password.

Why do I need to get an Education Sector Account

Education Sector Accounts are used to control access to ELI so that information collected on individuals can be kept private and secure.

Who needs an Education Sector Account

The Service Provider should decide who needs an Education Sector Account to access ELI.  The staff who would usually do your service’s administration will most likely be the staff who will need an Education Sector Account to access ELI.  

Anyone requiring access to ELI WebELI Reports, the National Student Index and/or RS7 Return Submission rights will need to apply for an Education Sector Account. 

How do I get an Education Sector Account

You will need to complete the relevant Education Sector Account form (Form A or Form B) and return it to us.  These forms and a user guide can be downloaded from the Resources page.


How do I reset forgotten or expired password

If you have forgotten your ESL username or password then you can call us to have it reset.

Freephone 0800 323 323 (NZ only)

Note: The Education Sector account holder must not share their Education Sector username or password or let another person use their Education Sector account.

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