Pathways and transitions

Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako can use these resources to develop seamless pathways for learners between early childhood, schooling and beyond.

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  • Boards
  • Principals and tumuaki
  • All early learning services
  • Tertiary organisations
  • Educators, teachers and kaiako

This page provides Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako with information that will help their students to transition between education settings and beyond.

Early learning services me ngā kōhanga reo

Communities of Learning are an opportunity for early learning services and schools to work collaboratively to improve education outcomes for all learners. Early learning services are encouraged to join to support the achievement challenges of the Community of Learning.

Early learning services and Communities of Learning

Youth Guarantee

Youth Guarantee initiatives are about improving the transition from school to further study, work or training. They provide a wider range of learning opportunities, make better use of the education network and clarify pathways from school. 

Youth Guarantee website(external link)

Vocational Pathways arrange jobs into six sectors and recommend appropriate study and training options for learners across all levels of the education system. Helpful tools include the profile builder and the literacy and numeracy calculator, which can also be found on the Youth Guarantee website.

Secondary-to-Tertiary Transition app

The app explores the transition of secondary school leavers into tertiary education. It will help identify the secondary-tertiary pathway and where opportunities exist for schools and tertiary education organisations to work more closely together.

Communities of Learning and school leaders can apply to access the app through their education sector logon provisioning application authoriser and log in using their education sector logon details.

Education sector logon provisioning application(external link)

The Secondary to Tertiary Transitions App is provided by The Tertiary Education Commission on their Ngā Kete website.

Access Ngā Kete – TEC(external link)

Regional economic activity report

The Regional economic activity tools present New Zealand economic data via a web tool and mobile apps. The tools highlight trends, challenges and opportunities for each region.

Regional economic activity tools - Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment website(external link)

Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo

Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako should use the Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo strategies to think about how they will apply these to their achievement challenges and specific circumstances to deliver educational success for both Māori and non-Māori learners. They will also help you develop your own implementation plans, in partnership with local iwi and Māori communities.

Ka Hikitia

Tau Mai Te Reo

A personalised pathway

This video highlights the tools and resources available to support a student's personalised pathway in a Community of Learning.

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