Early learning representation

Learn about the positive benefits participation of early learning services me ngā kōhanga reo bring to Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako.

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  • All early learning services
  • Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako
  • Boards
  • Service managers

When early learning services choose to participate in Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako, they strengthen learning opportunities for children.

The influence of early learning services

Early learning representation in a Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako helps meet the needs of children as they transition to school. This supports positive education outcomes from an early age and lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

As early learning services work closely with schools and other services in a Community of Learning, parents, family and whānau can be confident that their children are getting the best start to their education.


Our staff can support discussions between early learning services and Communities of Learning about the benefits of joining.

Local Ministry offices

We are able to provide data to show where children commonly move from and to along their learning pathway. This can identify which early learning service and Community of Learning should be talking with each other.

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