Secondary Principals' Collective Agreement
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Part 10: Removal Expenses
Secondary Principals' Collective Agreement
Effective: 1 December 2022 to 1 May 2025
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10.1 Eligibility
10.1.1 A principal at a state or state integrated school is eligible for removal expenses where they are required to shift to another housing district for a new role in a another state or state integrated school in one of the following circumstances:
Circumstance Criteria/Definition Appointment to a permanent position on promotion Promotion is defined as an appointment to a principal role either in a school with a higher U-grade or from a teaching position. Appointment to a permanent position in a staffing incentive or high priority teacher supply school The school is designated by the Secretary as a staffing incentive or high priority teacher supply school. Shifting from a staffing incentive or high priority teacher supply school to a permanent position or a long- term relieving position for a period equal to four school terms or more A principal must have completed continuous service totalling at least three years in one or more staffing incentive or high priority teacher supply school(s). If during the period of the principal's employment the school loses its designation the entitlement is retained as long as the principal fulfils the continuous service requirement. Shifting to a permanent position in a school that has a lower U-Grade and a lower decile to the principal's current school The principal must have been employed as the principal in their current school for at least the last three years. A principal has the approval of the Secretary for Education to receive the Principal Recruitment Allowance The principal is in receipt of the Principal Recruitment Allowance. A principal who has the Principal Recruitment Allowance shifts to another state or integrated school The Principal has completed at least three years' continuous service at the PRA school, and the principal transfers directly to a new principal or teaching role which is either permanent or a long term relieving position of at least one year. Protected country service Principals who held an entitlement to removals from a country service school when the former country service provisions were replaced by the staffing incentives package, preserve that entitlement and retain it for their next position in the education service. Principals returning from sponsored schemes overseas A principal returning to a New Zealand appointment following service overseas as part of a government to government contract is eligible for removal expenses incurred within New Zealand. Removal within same locality where the principal occupies a school residence A principal occupying a school residence which has to be vacated because it is being replaced, sold or extensively renovated. Where a principal and any dependents are required to board during renovations they shall receive a rent subsidy as per clause 10.4.5. Removal within same locality where the principal is required to occupy a school residence A principal who occupies a private residence is required by the board to move to a school residence. Principals on long-term specialist courses of at least one academic year’s duration A principal who has been granted leave by their Board and has to move to attend a Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education approved long-term specialist course.
A principal moving to her/his first permanent appointment after the course is complete.10.1.2 A principal who loses or is about to lose a position through no personal fault (e.g. through disestablishment, closure or merger of a school) is entitled to removal expenses.
10.1.3 In exceptional circumstances the Secretary for Education may exercise discretion and confirm eligibility for removal expenses for a principal who does not meet one of the criteria outlined in 10.1.1.
10.2 Entitlement
10.2.1 A Principal eligible for removal expenses under clause 10.1 is entitled to a lump sum payment that covers travel expenses, including meal allowances while travelling (clause 10.3), accommodation expenses (clause 10.4), transfer grants (clause 10.9) and telephone reconnection charges (clause 10.12).
10.2.2 Where a Principal does not want to receive the lump sum payment as per clause 10.2.1, they can claim the entitlements specified in clauses 10.3, 10.4, 10.9 and 10.12 as appropriate based on itemised receipts.
10.2.3 Reimbursements will only be made for costs in relation to the sale and purchase of the principal's nominated primary place of residence and not for holiday homes or investment properties.
10.3 Travel Expenses
10.3.1 The following travel expenses are refundable:
- Taxi fares to and from transport;
- Cost of meals en route;
- Cost of overnight board if stopover unavoidable;
- When travelling by own transport, payment of motor vehicle allowance rates as follows:
- Motorcar - 62 cents per kilometre
- Motorcycle - 20 cents per kilometre
- Equivalent surface fare for driving a second car or motorcycle which is part of the household effects to the new location provided that the fare would otherwise have been paid under this contract.
10.4 Accommodation Expenses
10.4.1 Accommodation expenses shall be paid for the accommodation of a principal and any dependants from the time of moving from the former location until permanent accommodation is obtained in the new location.
10.4.2 When moving personal expenses are allowable to cover meals, accommodation, and such other expenses as the board may approve, for the principal and any dependants as follows:
- From the commencement of the journey, up to two days if necessary;
- On arrival at destination, up to seven days if necessary.
10.4.3 When dependants are boarding
When approval has been given by the Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education for a principal and any dependants to board either together or in different localities, and a home is no longer being maintained at the former location, assistance may be granted in accordance with the following provisions:
- In the first instance, a refund of personal expenses as set out in 10.4.2 above;
- At the expiration of this period, an accommodation allowance of the amount by which actual and reasonable board and lodging expenses exceed 45% of gross remuneration. “Gross remuneration” means classified salary plus any allowance in the nature of salary. This is calculated on the consecutive day basis;
- If the principal and any dependants stay at a motel and they purchase and prepare food, a rent subsidy may be paid. When meals must be taken in a restaurant, payment of the amount by which the total of rent and meals exceeds 45% of gross salary may be paid. The total cost is not to exceed scale relieving allowance rate payable to teachers in the school in terms of the applicable secondary teachers’ collective agreement.
10.4.4 When Maintaining Home at Former Location
A principal on transfer who is required to maintain the home and any dependants at the former location until suitable housing is obtained in the new location, shall be granted an accommodation allowance as follows:
- For the first month, up to a maximum of the rate of the relieving allowance payable to teachers in the school in terms of the applicable secondary teachers’ collective agreement;
- For the second month, up to a maximum of two thirds of the rate of the said relieving allowance;
- For the third month, up to a maximum of one third of the rate of the said relieving allowance;
- Principals staying at a motel and preparing their own meals may be paid an assessed amount for food not exceeding one quarter of the scale relieving allowance rate, plus motel charges. The total cost is not to exceed scale relieving allowance rate;
- The incidentals allowance payable to teachers in the school in terms of the applicable secondary teachers’ collective agreement shall also be paid to cover incidental expenses not otherwise recoverable. The allowances commence on and from the day the principal arrives at the new location;
- When the principal finally obtains suitable accommodation in the new location and any dependants then move, the assistance set out in clause 10.4.2 is granted.
10.4.5 Rent Subsidy
- Assistance with rental accommodation may be considered on the merits of each case if a principal on transfer is experiencing difficulty in finding permanent housing.
- The subsidy will be granted only in respect of a short-term tenancy. The amount of the subsidy will be the excess of the rental over one-sixth of the principal’s gross salary. The period of subsidy is limited to three months.
- Furniture storage charges may be met while the principal is on a rent subsidy.
10.4.6 Outgoings on Former Home
- If the principal and any dependants are occupying temporary accommodation at the new location (and the principal receives a rent subsidy), pending the sale of the former home and the purchase of another, then interest, rates and insurance on the former home shall be taken into account while it remains unsold and unoccupied. In these circumstances, the outgoings on the principal’s house may be added to the rent of the temporary house, and the subsidy calculated on the combined total. Only mortgage interest may be included, not loan principal repayments, and this will usually require inquiry, as outgoings quoted by claimants almost always include instalments of loan principal.
- If a principal is required to rent a house at the new location before liability for rent at the previous location has ceased, resulting in the payment of double rent, a rent subsidy equal to the lower of the two rents may be paid.
10.5 Furniture Removal
10.5.1 Packing, transporting and unpacking of the principal’s household effects will be undertaken by a provider contracted to the Ministry for the transfer of principals’ effects and transit insurance.
10.6 Amount of Refund
10.6.1 Where a principal qualifies for an accommodation allowance or rent subsidy, this will include the provision of storage. Reimbursement will be made for the cost of inter-island transport and marine insurance for up to two vehicles and one towed vehicle.
10.7 Legal Fees and Land Agent’s Commission
10.7.1 A principal with an entitlement to removal expenses shall be reimbursed for legal fees and land agent’s commission provided that when a principal sells a house at the former location and buys another at the new location within two years of the date of the new appointment, or sells at the former location and builds and takes occupation of a house at the new location within two years of the date of the new appointment, actual aggregated expenses for legal fees and land agent’s commission combined up to $11,000 maximum shall be paid.
- Legal fees
The refund of legal fees shall be either:- When principal sells a house at the former location within two years of the date of the new appointment, but does not buy another, actual expenses up to $950; or
- When a principal buys or builds a house at the new location within two years of the date of the new appointment without having sold a house at the former location, provided it is not the first time the principal has owned a house, actual expenses up to $4,000 maximum.
- Land agent’s commission
When a principal sells a house at the former location within two years of the date of the new appointment but does not purchase or build another house at the new location within the two year period, actual expenses up to $6,300. - Two year limitation
Normally all transactions (selling, buying or building) must be completed within two years of the date of transfer to qualify for a refund of expenses. - Sale of home prior to appointment in another position
Where a principal anticipates securing a position where full removal expenses are payable, and sells their home before this actually occurs the principal will be eligible for a refund of legal and land agent’s fees. This is subject to a two year limitation period as in clause 10.7.1(c) above commencing from the date of the sale of the house. The refund of land agent’s and legal fees will not be made until and unless the principal is appointed and takes up another position. - Purchase and sale of land
A refund of legal fees and land agent’s commission will be made as follows:- When a principal has previously owned a house or land and purchases land following transfer to another locality with the intention of building a house for the principal’s own use and transfers again before the house is built, assistance is granted towards the cost of legal expenses and land agent’s commission in the purchase and sale of the land up to $3,800.
- When a house or land has not been owned previously and a principal subsequently purchases land at one locality and transfers again before building, assistance will be granted towards the cost of legal expenses up to $500 and land agent’s commission up to $2,000 in the sale of the land as follows:
(1) Sale of land in a previous locality must be effected within two years of transferring to a new location.
(2) Purchase of land must have been effected not more than two years after the previous transfer and not more than two years before the subsequent transfer.
- Advertising costs of $630 when selling at former location without the services of a land agent.
- Legal fees
10.8 Penalty Mortgage Repayment Charges
10.8.1 Penalty charges which may arise because of the termination of a mortgage before the completion of the term of the loan will be refunded up to a maximum of $2,400.
10.9 Transfer Grants
10.9.1 A principal who is entitled to removal expenses and required to shift household shall be paid a transfer grant of $1000 and uniform grant of $300 for each child attending a secondary or intermediate school for whom a different uniform is required to be purchased (in terms of that new school’s policy) because of a change of school.
10.10 Leave to Remove Dependants and Effects
10.10.1 When a principal has left dependants at the former location pending the finding of suitable housing, a refund of actual and reasonable travel expenses may be approved by the Secretary for Education to permit the principal to return to the former centre to assist with the transfer of their dependants and effects.
10.11 Payment of Expenses to Visit Prospective Accommodation
10.11.1 A principal may claim expenses in connection with a visit to inspect prospective accommodation.
10.12 Telephone Reconnection Charges
10.12.1 Telephone reconnection charges for one installation shall be refunded when a principal has transferred and is eligible for transfer expenses.
Note: Receipts should be produced when claiming removal expenses.
Note: The provisions of Part 10 shall be applied in accordance with any administrative conditions that were in effect at the commencement of this agreement or modifications to the administrative conditions made as a result of this agreement. Nothing in these provisions shall be read as extending any entitlement beyond that which existed at the commencement of this agreement except as may be expressly agreed to by the Secretary for Education after consultation with the NZPPTA and SPANZ Union.