Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement

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If you want a printed copy of this agreement we suggest you download the following PDF version.

Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement 2023–2025 [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Speech-language therapists who are covered by the Therapists' Pay Equity Claim Settlement have additional terms and conditions not reflected in the PTCA:

Employment information for Speech-Language Therapists [PDF, 232 KB]

Documents are available in Adobe PDF format only. Accessible versions, where available, can be supplied on request.


Changes to the agreement

Read about the recent changes in the Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement.

Changes to the Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023-25

Search results

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results for Relief

Terms of Settlement

… Rates
1 July 2021
Rates from
1 April 2022
Rates from
3 July 2023
Rates from
3 July 2024
Rates from
2 Dec 2024



4. Increase to the maximum salary step for relief teachers

The parties agree to increase the maximum salary step cap for short term relief teachers, as referred to in clause 3.23.3, from the current step 6 to the current step 7 from 28 January 2024 (which will become the new step 6 from 2…

Terms of the Variation to the PTCA 2023-2025

… period.

(c) If employed on an hourly basis, this proportion shall be 1/950 of the applicable annual rate to a maximum of step 5 on the base scale (inclusive of holiday pay); provided no reliever so employed shall be paid for less than two hours per day of relief and, if there is a break in duties of one and a half hours (1.5) or more, an allowance equivalent to one (1) hours pay shall be paid. From 28 January 2024, the rate payable shall not exceed 1/950 of Step 6 of the Base Scale – Trained T…

4.2 Sick Leave Service

… Leave Purposes

For the purposes of sick leave, “aggregate employment” means:

all full and part-time employment as a teacher or principal in any state or state-integrated school;
any employment recognised under clause [4.2.2a] below;
all short-term relief worked in any state or state-integrated school on the basis that every 190 days or 950 hours equals one year of employment.

The amount of sick leave available to a teacher returning to the teaching service following a break in employment wil…

4.9 Unpaid Refreshment Leave

… two attestations were satisfactory.

4.9.5 A teacher taking unpaid refreshment leave shall not accept employment as a teacher or principal in another state or state-integrated New Zealand school. However, a teacher may agree to undertake occasional day relief work.

3.7 Progression

… Progression for Relievers

Relievers shall progress from one step to the next upon completion of each 190 days relieving service, subject to satisfactory performance as attested by the Principal of the school where the teacher has recently been employed as a relief teacher.

3.7.3 Progression for Untrained Employees

Untrained employees shall progress from the entry salary rate to the maximum salary rate upon completion of twelve months service, subject to satisfactory performance as assessed b…

1.8 Additional Payment

… teacher equivalent (FTTE) as at 12 June 2023
Short-term relievers, as defined in clause 1.6.9: a pro-rated payment, based on the total number of days worked between the start of Term 4, 2022 and 12 June 2023, and provided at least one day of short-term relief teaching was worked in Term 1 or 2, 2023.
A teacher may be eligible to have the payment calculated under more than one category. The minimum payment for any teacher, regardless of FTTE, will be $150, and no teacher shall receive more than…

2.11 Kapa Haka and Polyfest Relief Days


30 teacher relief days will be made available annually for teachers to attend Polyfest to support students participating in the Festival.
140 teacher relief days will be made available biennially for primary or area teachers to attend Te Mana Kuratahi (the National Primary Kapa Haka Competition) to support students participating in the competition.

3.23 Payment of Salaries

… period.
If employed on an hourly basis, this proportion shall be 1/950 of the applicable annual rate to a maximum of step 5 on the base scale (inclusive of holiday pay); provided no reliever so employed shall be paid for less than two hours per day of relief and, if there is a break in duties of one and a half hours (1.5) or more, an allowance equivalent to one (1) hours pay shall be paid. From 28 January 2024, the rate payable shall not exceed 1/950 of Step 6 of the Base Scale - Trained Teache…