Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement

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Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement [PDF, 885 KB]

Part 5: Remuneration

Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement
Effective: 1 December 2022 to 1 May 2025

  • 5.1 Unified Pay System
    • 5.1.1 The purpose of this clause is to maintain a Unified Pay System for principals in the state and state integrated compulsory education sector. The Unified Pay System applies to the roll-based, Equity Index and staffing components of principals’ remuneration.

      5.1.2 Mechanism

      1. The Secretary shall, within one month of ratification of any collective agreement (or relevant variation thereof) applicable to principals of secondary schools in the state and integrated school sector, notify the PPCBU Head of Union of any changes to the roll-based, staffing-based, or Equity Index payment components of principals remuneration and offer such changes to principals covered by the PPCA-PPCBU. 
      2. PPCBU Head of Union shall, within one month of receipt of the offer described in clause 5.1.2(a), advise the Secretary whether PPCBU Head of Union wishes to accept such offer. The parties agree that upon receipt of PPCBU's acceptance of the offer the PPCA-PPCBU shall be deemed to be varied pursuant to clause 1.6 in the terms outlined in the offer as advised by the Secretary.

      5.1.3 Clause 5.1 shall apply from 1 December 2022 to 1 December 2024. Thereafter this clause will cease to apply and shall have no effect.

  • 5.2 Remuneration
    • 5.2.1 A principal’s salary shall comprise the school roll-based salary (U-grade) in clause 5.2.2, the staffing-based salary component in clause 5.2.3, the Equity Index payment (where applicable) in clause 5.2.4, the payment for Leadership in Literacy and Numeracy in clause 5.2.5, and the Career payment in clause 4.4.1(f) (where applicable).

      5.2.2 The Principal’s salary shall be determined in accordance with the grade of the school (i.e. U1-U16):

      School roll-based salary component

      U-Grade Roll size Rates
      20 Aug 2021
      1 Dec 2022
      16 Nov 2023
      1 Dec 2023
      3 July 2024
      2 Dec 2024
      U1 & U2 1-100 $98,031 $102,031 $103,913 $105,092 $107,030 $118,003
      U3 101-150 $106,170 $110,170 $112,540 $113,475 $115,916 $118,003
      U4 151-300 $114,489 $118,489 $121,358 $122,044 $124,999 $127,249
      U5 301-500 $122,808 $126,808 $130,176 $130,612 $134,082 $136,495
      U6 501-675 $127,564 $131,564 $135,218 $135,511 $139,274 $141,781
      U7 676-850 $132,515 $136,515 $140,466 $140,610 $144,680 $147,284
      U8 851-1025 $137,468 $141,468 $145,716 $145,716 $150,088 $152,789
      U9 1026-1200 $140,835 $144,835 $149,285 $149,285 $153,764 $156,531
      U10 1201-1400 $144,201 $148,201 $152,853 $152,853 $157,439 $160,273
      U11 1401-1600 $149,114 $153,114 $158,061 $158,061 $162,803 $165,733
      U12 1601-1800 $154,028 $158,028 $163,270 $163,270 $168,168 $171,195
      U13 1801-2000 $158,621 $162,621 $168,138 $168,138 $173,182 $176,300
      U14 2001-2200 $163,216 $167,216 $173,009 $173,009 $178,199 $181,407
      U15 2201-2400 $167,237 $171,237 $177,271 $177,271 $182,589 $185,876
      U16 2400+ $171,260 $175,260 $181,536 $181,536 $186,982 $190,347

      5.2.3 Staffing based salary component

      In addition to the school roll-based salary component specified in clause 5.2.2, the salary of principals shall include the staffing-based salary component calculated according to the following formula:

      Total teacher staff (TTS) Rates effective 20 August 2021
      ≤ 13 ($822 * TTS) + $3,201
      > 13 ($162 * TTS) + $12,231

      The staffing based salary component is based on total teacher staffing that includes entitlement, attached and additional staffing, in addition to entitlement staffing transfer, teacher specific time allowances and staffing for attached units under Boards as determined in the Ministry staffing notice. It does not include teachers who may be employed above entitlement from a Board’s operations funding.

      Total teacher staff shall be based on the greater of the provisional (September) staffing roll or the confirmed (March) staffing roll which is determined annually.

      5.2.4 Principals in schools with an Equity Index number of 478 to 569 shall be paid an Equity Index payment, which will be calculated by multiplying the Equity Index number of the principal’s school by nine. The calculation of the Equity Index payment be undertaken annually.

      Where a principal's remuneration is reduced either:

        1. In the translation from the previous decile-based payment to the Equity Index payment, or;
        2. Because the annual Equity Index review process results in their school falling below the Equity Index number of 478 that entitles them to an Equity Index payment;

        Then their salary will be protected for 24 months from the effective date of the change.

        Note: 5.2.4(i) will be deleted from subsequent collective agreements.

        5.2.5 Leadership in Literacy and Numeracy

            1. A principal covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to a base per annum payment and a further per annum payment (based on entitlement teachers only, as determined in the annual provisional staffing notice). The base per annum payment is $2,320. The further per annum payment is as follows:
                1. U1 – U5 school - $100 per entitlement teacher
                2. U6 school - $80 per entitlement teacher
                3. U7 school and above - $60 per entitlement teacher.
            2. These payments are in recognition of the work that principals do to lead, develop and implement programmes to increase literacy and numeracy and to implement the NZ Curriculum and/or Te Reo Māori i roto i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. A principal who receives this payment shall not be entitled to receive a Leadership payment under any other principal collective agreement. This payment is payable fortnightly.

          1. For clarity, "entitlement teachers only” shall mean the school’s total staffing entitlement minus one. It shall not include attached or additional staffing.
    • 5.3 Definition of Roll
      • 5.3.1 For the purposes of determining a principal’s U grade as per clauses 5.2.2 and 5.2.4 “roll” shall mean the greater of the provisional (September) staffing roll or the confirmed (March) staffing roll, as determined by the relevant Staffing Order in Council, except that students who are included in the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (at 1 July for the September school roll purposes) shall be counted on the following basis:

          1. Students classified as “very high” under the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme shall be counted as six instead of one;
          2. Students classified as “high” under the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme shall be counted as three instead of one.

        Except that:

          1. Students at Westbridge Residential School will count as six instead of one;
          2. Students at Salisbury and Halswell residential schools who are not included in the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme will count as three instead of one;
          3. Students at Van Asch and Kelston residential schools who are not included in the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme will count as one.
    • 5.4 Salary Protection
      • Grading Changes

        5.4.1 Where the appropriate base salary of a principal (as specified in clause 5.2.2) changes as a result of a drop in grade of the position and the principal’s existing base salary exceeds the rate for the new grade; and the change in grade is contained in the September Staffing Notice, and is not countered by an increase generated in the 1 March roll, the principal’s salary above the rate for the new grade will be protected for a period of 24 months from the beginning of the school year that follows the September Staffing Notice. After the 24 month period of salary protection, the principal shall be paid no more than the rate for the new grade. Salary protection under this clause shall lapse if the principal accepts an alternative position.

        5.4.2 Where a grading reduction determined by the September provisional roll, is countered by a grading increase generated by the 1 March roll, the U grade of the principal reverts to the previous higher U grade and the associated salary protection ceases.

        5.4.3 Where the grade of a position increases, and this increase is contained in the September Staffing Notice, the principal will move to the new rate at the beginning of the new school year.

        5.4.4 For the avoidance of doubt, the base rate for the purposes of salary protection in clause 5.4.1 includes the base salary according to U grade weighting (roll size), but does not include the salary generated by the supplementary formula in clause 5.2.3 (FTTE size).

    • 5.5 Payment of Salaries
      • 5.5.1 Basis of Calculation

        The salaries of principals shall be paid fortnightly and the gross salary for a full pay period is calculated as 14/365ths of the annual salary rate. For broken periods the calculation is the number of days due multiplied by the annual rate and divided by 365. Gross salary comprises all salary and allowances (temporary and those paid on a regular basis).

        5.5.2 Method of Payment

        Salaries shall be paid fortnightly by direct credit to the principal’s nominated bank account.

        5.5.3 Holiday Pay

        Holiday pay at the rate of 30 per cent of salary shall be based on the school year and shall not be payable beyond 27 January. For holiday pay purposes, teaching service shall comprise all paid service including weekends and statutory holidays, but not school vacations.

    • 5.6 Retirement Savings
      • 5.6.1 Principals are eligible to join a KiwiSaver scheme in accordance with the terms of those schemes.

        5.6.2 Employer or government contributions to retirement or superannuation schemes which are closed to new members (and include the Teachers’ Retirement Savings Scheme and the Government Superannuation Fund), shall continue in accordance with the terms of those schemes.

        5.6.3 Where government or employer contributions are made to another retirement or superannuation scheme of which a principal is a member, then that principal is only eligible to receive employer or government contributions to a KiwiSaver scheme to the extent that those combined contributions equal the minimum KiwiSaver employer or government contributions. If the government or employer contributions made to another retirement or superannuation scheme of which a principal is a member equal or exceed to the full minimum KiwiSaver employer or government contributions, then that principal is not eligible to receive employer or government contributions to a KiwiSaver scheme.