Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement
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Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement [PDF, 885 KB]
Part 1: Coverage/Term of Agreement
Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement
Effective: 1 December 2022 to 1 May 2025
1.1 Parties and Coverage
1.1.1 This Agreement is entered into by:
The Secretary for Education (Secretary) acting under delegation from the Public Service Commissioner made pursuant to Clause 6 of Schedule 3 and acting in accordance with section 586 (5) of the Education and Training Act 2020; and
- The Primary Principals’ Collective Bargaining Union (PPCBU).
1.1.2 This Agreement is binding on:
- Each principal who comes within the coverage set out in clause 1.1.3 and who is or who becomes a member of PPCB; and
- Every employer as defined in clause 1.4.3 below.
1.1.3 This Agreement covers work undertaken in state and state-integrated schools by principals in:
- Primary schools (including normal schools, model schools and intermediate schools);
- Composite schools other than area schools;
- Specialist schools.
1.1.4 Untrained or Unregistered Teachers
Nothing in this Agreement shall apply to untrained or unregistered teachers.
1.2 Name of Agreement
1.2.1 This Agreement shall be called the Primary Principals’ (PPCBU) Collective Agreement and referred to as “PPCA - PPCBU” or “the Agreement”.
1.3 Term of Agreement
1.3.1 This Agreement shall commence on 1 December 2022 and shall expire on 1 May 2025, except as provided for under section 53 of the Employment Relations Act 2000(external link).
1.4 Definitions
The following definitions apply unless the Agreement otherwise specifies:
1.4.1 “Area school” shall have the meaning ascribed in the Education (School Staffing) Order for the time being in force.
1.4.2 “Composite school” shall mean a school classified as a composite school under Education and Training Act 2020.
1.4.3 “Employer” shall mean a School Board (Board) constituted pursuant to the Education and Training Act 2020 (or where a Commissioner has been appointed under sections 170 or 181 of the Education and Training Act 2020 to act in place of the Board, that Commissioner) of a state or state-integrated school that employs employees falling within the coverage as set out in clause 1.1.3.
Note: In relation to a dispute about the interpretation, application or operation of this Agreement, the employer shall act, if the Secretary acting under delegation from the Public Service Commissioner made pursuant to clause 6 of Schedule 3 of the Public Services Act 2020 so requires, together or in consultation with the Secretary for Education acting in accordance with section 586 of the Education and Training Act 2020.
1.4.4 "Union" shall mean the PPCBU.
1.4.5 "Primary school" shall mean a school classified as a primary school or an intermediate school under the Education and Training Act 2020.
1.4.6 "Principal" shall mean a teacher who is registered and holds a current practicing certificate granted by the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand (Teaching Council) and who has been appointed pursuant to clause 2.2 to the position of principal.
1.4.7 “Reorganised school” is the continuing school/s from the gazetted commencement date of reorganisation. This includes schools that have also decapitated or recapitated in addition to physically merging with another school or schools whether or not there is a change of class or designation.
1.4.8 “School reorganisation process” shall mean a process which is Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o Mātauranga initiated and/or approved by the Minister of Education (Minister) in which the future class, or designation, or structure of a school is being reviewed in conjunction with the future class, or designation, or structure of any other school or schools.
1.4.9 “Specialist school” shall mean a school classified as a specialist school under the Education and Training Act 2020.
1.4.10 “Secondment” shall mean a period during which a Principal is on leave without pay from their Employer, in order to undertake fixed term employment with a Specified Education Sector Agency.
1.4.11 Specified Education Sector Agency means the Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, Education Review Office (ERO), New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), and New Zealand Council for Education Research (NZCER).
1.5 Declaration Pursuant to Act
1.5.1 Pursuant to Section 595 of the Education and Training Act 2020 the Secretary acting pursuant to the delegated authority of the Public Service Commissioner has declared that all of the conditions contained in this Agreement are actual conditions of employment provided that the Secretary may, from time to time, give approval to the salary rates or allowances being treated as minimum rates where there is agreement to this between the employer and the principal.
1.6 Variations Clause
1.6.1 The parties agree that the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement may be varied at any time by written agreement between PPCBU and the Secretary, acting under delegation from the Public Service Commissioner made pursuant to Clause 6 of Schedule 3 of the Public Service Act 2020 and acting in accordance with section 586(5) of the Education and Training Act 2020. Any such variation agreed shall be binding on employees and employers of those employees covered by this Agreement in accordance with Section 586(6) of the Education and Training Act 2020.
1.7 Partnership with Union
1.7.1 The parties recognise the value in their ongoing and productive relationship, including their joint efforts to build an environment in which the teaching profession is highly regarded, sustainable, and is fit for now and the future of learning and that collective bargaining is a key part of those joint efforts.
1.7.2 In recognition of the benefits arising out of the parties' relationship, including PPCBU's role in negotiating terms and conditions for primary principals and the contribution of PPCBU and its members to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic response, the parties agree that all full-time principals who are members of PPCBU as at 5 April 2023 and are bound by the PPCA- PPCBU are entitled to receive a one-off gross payment of $750. The payment will be pro-rated for part-time principals based on their full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) as at 5 April 2023.
1.7.3 Members of PPCBU who are bound by the PPCA - PPCBU as at 5 April 2023 and on that day were on approved leave under Part 7 of this collective agreement are entitled, upon application, to receive the one-off gross payment of $750 on their return providing that they return to their position on or before Term 2, 2023, or before Term 4, 2023 for those on parental leave.
1.7.4 The minimum payment for any eligible principal, regardless of FTTE, will be $75, and no principal shall receive more than gross $750 in total. Clause wording is included in the attached Annexe. This clause wording will be removed in subsequent collective agreements.
1.8 Lump Sum
1.8.1 The parties agree that an additional one-off gross lump sum of $1,500 be paid to all primary principals employed as at 1 December 2023. This will be pro-rated according to FTTE for part-time principals.
1.8.2 The minimum payment for any principal, regardless of FTTE, will be $150, and no principal shall receive more than gross $1,500 in total.
1.8.3 Principals who are on approved leave under Part 7 of this agreement on 1 December 2023, are entitled to receive the payment on the return to their position providing that they return on or before the end of Term 2, 2024 or before 30 November 2024 for those on parental leave.
Note: Clauses 1.7 and 1.8 will be removed in subsequent collective agreements.