Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement

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Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement [PDF, 885 KB]

Appendix 7: Terms of Settlement

Primary Principals' (PPCBU) Collective Agreement
Effective: 1 December 2022 to 1 May 2025

This section sets out the components of the settlement of the Primary Principals’ (PPCBU) Collective Agreement (PPCA-PPCBU) 2022 to 2024.

This agreement has been settled between the Secretary for Education and the Primary Principals’ Collective Bargaining Union Incorporated (PPCBU). It shall be subject to ratification by PPCBU members pursuant to section 52 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.

The terms outlined in this document are valid for ratification by PPCBU provided ratification is confirmed and the new collective agreement is signed no later than 5pm on 5 April 2023.

Terms and conditions will be as outlined the PPCA (PPCBU), except as indicated below.

1. Term of agreement

The Primary Principals’ (PPCBU) Collective Agreement (PPCA - PPCBU) 2022–2024 shall commence on 1 December 2022 and be effective for 24 months from 1 December 2022, provided this agreement is ratified by 5pm on 5 April 2023.

2. Remuneration for principals

The parties agree that the Unified Pay System (UPS) for principals will be renewed for the term of the agreement.

The parties agree that the school roll-based salary (U-grade) component of principals’ remuneration will provide two annual increases: ($4,000 in year 1 and 3% in year 2) to each grade of the scale as shown below:

School roll-based salary component

U-Grade Roll Size Current Rates Rates effective from
1 December 2022
1 December 2023
U1 & U2 1-100 $98,031 $102,031 $105,092 $7,061 7.2%
U3 101-450 $106,170 $110,170 $113,475 $7,305 6.9%
U4 151-300 $114,489 $118,489 $122,044 $7,555 6.6%
U5 301-500 $122,808 $126,808 $130,612 $7,804 6.4%
U6 501-675 $127,564 $131,564 $135,511 $7,947 6.2%
U7 676-850 $132,515 $136,515 $140,610 $8,095 6.1%
U8 851-1025 $137,468 $141,468 $145,712 $8,244 6.0%
U9 1026-1200 $140,835 $144,835 $149,180 $8,345 5.9%
U10 1201-1400 $144,201 $148,201 $152,647 $8,446 5.9%
U11 1401-1600 $149,114 $153,114 $157,707 $8,593 5.8%
U12 1601-1800 $154,028 $158,028 $162,769 $8,741 5.7%
U13 1801-2000 $158,621 $162,621 $167,500 $8,879 5.6%
U14 2001-2200 $163,216 $167,216 $172,232 $9,016 5.5%
U15 2201-2400 $167,237 $171,237 $176,374 $9,137 5.5%
U16 2401- $171,260 $175,260 $180,518 $9,258 5.4%

3. Support for wellbeing

The parties agree to introduce an entitlement of $6,000 in each of 2023 and 2024 for each principal to access professional coaching and support. This entitlement is intended to support ongoing coaching, professional learning and development, wellbeing and other opportunities that assist with principals’ leadership capability.

This fund will be held by the School Board and be accessed by the principal for the purposes of accessing professional coaching and support in their leadership role.

The Ministry will develop guidance and policies for the use of this fund in consultation with PPCBU.

Refer to clause 4.8 for the agreed wording.

4. Secondments

The parties agree to include provisions that ensure the process of seconding principals into sector roles outside of their schools is easier, more accessible, and does not disadvantage those undertaking secondments. Refer to clause 2.9 for the agreed wording.

5. Paid Sabbatical Leave

The Ministry will consult with PPCBU over streamlining the application form for principals accessing sabbaticals, specifically the requirements around programme outline, time commitments and reporting intentions. The parties will also explore changes to the way the sabbatical report operates to reduce and simplify reporting requirements.  

6. Māori Immersion Teaching Allowance

The parties agree that the Māori Immersion Teaching Allowance (MITA) for immersion level 1 and 2 will increase from the start of Term 2, 2023, as shown below:

  Pre 2023
Rates from
24 April 2023
Rates from
24 April 2023
Rates from
24 April 2023
Teaching time
taught in
Te Reo Māori
Level 1
Level 1
(81% to 100%)
Level 2
(51% to 80%)
Level 2
(51% to 80%)
Level 3
(31% to 50%)
Level 3
(31% to 50%)
Base allowance $4,000 $6,000 $4,000 $5,000 $4,000 $4,000
After 3 years'
+ $2,000 + $4,000 - + $2,000    
Total after 3 years'
$6,000 $10,000   $7,000    
After 6 years'
+ $4,000 +$6,000 - + $3,000    
Total after 6 years $8,000 $12,000 $4,000 $8,000 $4,000


Refer to clause 5.7 for the agreed wording.

7. Pacific Bilingual Immersion Teaching Allowance

The parties agree to introduce a Pacific Bilingual Immersion Teaching Allowance (PBITA) for immersion levels 1 and 2, effective from the start of Term 2, 2023, as shown below:

PBITA From 24 April 2023 From 24 April 2023
Teaching time that curriculum is taught in a Pacific language Level 1
(81% to 100%)
Level 2
(51% to 80%)
Base allowance $4,000 $4,000
After 3 years' service +$2,000 +$1,000
Total after 3 years $6,000 $5,000
After 6 years' service +4,000 +$2,000
Total after 6 years $8,000 $6,000

Refer to clause 5.8 for the agreed wording.

8. Sick Leave

The parties agree to improve the existing sick leave entitlements. Refer to clause 7.3 and Appendix 6 for the agreed wording.

9. Additional Payments 

Partnership with PPCBU - $750 Lump sum to members employed as at 5 April

The parties recognise the value in their ongoing and productive relationship, including their joint efforts to build an environment in which the teaching profession is highly regarded, sustainable, and is fit for now and the future of learning and that collective bargaining is a key part of those joint efforts.

In recognition of the benefits arising out of the parties’ relationship, including PPCBU’s role in negotiating terms and conditions for primary principals and the contribution of PPCBU and its members to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic response, the parties agree that all full-time principals who are members of PPCBU as at 5 April 2023 and are bound by the PPCA are entitled to receive a one-off gross payment of $750. The payment will be pro-rated for part-time principals based on their full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) as at 5 April 2023.

Members of PPCBU who are bound by the PPCA as at 5 April 2023 and on that day were on approved leave under Part 7 of this collective agreement are entitled, upon application, to receive the one-off gross payment of $750 on their return providing that they return to their position on or before Term 2, 2023, or before Term 4, 2023 for those on parental leave.

The minimum payment for any eligible principal, regardless of FTTE, will be $75, and no principal shall receive more than gross $750 in total. Clause wording is included in the attached Annexe. This clause wording will be removed in subsequent collective agreements.

$500 Lump sum for principals employed as at 1 December 2023

The parties agree that an additional one-off gross lump sum of $500 be paid to all primary principals employed as at 1 December 2023 who are bound by this Agreement. This will be pro-rated according to FTTE for part-time principals.

The minimum payment for any eligible principal, regardless of FTTE, will be $50, and no principal shall receive more than gross $500 in total.

This clause wording will be removed in subsequent collective agreements. 

Guidance on the lump sums is included in the attached Annexe 1.

10. Replacement of Decile Based Payments with an Equity Index Based Payment

Principals in a school that falls within the top 40% of the Equity Index when it is calculated each year shall receive a payment based on the Equity Index number of the school multiplied by nine. This payment will replace the Decile based component of each principal’s remuneration.

Transitional arrangements for this change are set out in clause 5.2.4(i).

11. Increase to the Motor Vehicle Allowance Rate

The parties agree to increase the motor vehicle allowance rate referred to in 6.1.5 from 62 cents per kilometre, to 83 cents per kilometre, from the start of Term 2, 2023.

12. Related matters

We note that this settlement will be implemented by the Education Payroll by 14 June 2023, providing it is ratified by 5 April 2023.

The parties agree that the terms and conditions in the collective agreement, bar the $750 lump sum, can be passed on to non-union staff.

13. Technical changes

The parties agree to make any technical changes that are mutually agreed prior to the collective agreement going out for ratification. Refer to Annexe 2 for the changes agreed at date of signing.


The parties on signing this document acknowledge, subject to any subsequent agreed editorial and technical changes, that this reflects the agreements reached in the settlement of the Primary Principals’ (PPCBU) Collective Agreement 2022-2024.


Signed in Wellington on                         2023 by: 

Denise Torrey
Advocate for Primary Principals' Collective Bargaining Union Incorporated

Bronwyn Heenan
Advocate for the Secretary for Education

Kate Lethbridge
for NZ School Trustees Association


Annexe 1: Partnership with unions - lump sum guidance

Union Member-Only Lump Sum Entitlement
(5 April 2023)
All Principals' Lump Sum Entitlement
(1 December 2023)
Full-time principals Principals who are a union member as at 5 April 2023 and currently employed as a principal on that date, will receive the one-off gross payment of $750. Principals currently employed as at 1 December 2023, will receive the one-off gross payment of $500
Part-time principals The payment will be pro-rated for part-time teachers based on their full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) as at 5 April 2023. Minimum payment of $75. The payment will be pro-rated for part-time teachers based on their full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) as at 1 December 2023. Minimum payment of $50.
Scenarios Union Member-Only Lump Sum Entitlement
(5 April 2023)
All Principals' Lump Sum Entitlement
(1 December 2023)
Paid Leave Employees who are a union member and on approved paid leave as at 5 April 2023, will receive the one-off gross payment of $750 on their return to their position providing that they return on or before the end of Term 2, 2023. Employees who are on approved paid leave as at 1 December 2023, will receive the one-off gross payment of $500 on their return to their position providing that they return on or before the end of Term 2, 2024.
Parental Leave Employees who are a union member and on parental leave as at 5 April 2023, will receive the one-off gross payment of $750 on their return to their position providing that they return on or before the end of Term 4, 2023. Employees who are on parental leave as at 1 December 2023, will receive the one-off gross payment of $500 on their return to their position providing that they return on or before 30 November 2024.
Retired/Resigned from role A principal who resigned or retired from their position after 5 April 2023 but who was a union member and employed on the 3 March 2023 will receive the one-off gross payment of $750. A principal who resigned or retired from their position after 1 December 2023, but who was employed on 1 December 2023 will receive the one-off gross payment of $500.
Unpaid Leave
(other than parental leave)
Employees who are a union member and on approved unpaid leave as at 5 April 2023, will receive the one-off gross payment of $750 on their return to their position providing that they return on or before the end of Term 2, 2023. Employees who are on approved unpaid leave as at 1 December 2023, will receive the one-off gross payment of $500 on their return to their position providing that they return on or before the end of Term 2, 2024.

Annexe 2: Technical Amendments

No. Reference/
Clause Number Current Reference Updated Reference
1 Parties to the agreement 1.1 and throughout State Services Commissioner Public Service Commissioner
2 1.1 1.1 and throughout Section 23 of the State Sector Act 1988 Clause 6 of Schedule 3 of the Public Service Act 2020
3 Parties to the agreement 1.1 Section 74(5) of the State Sector Act 1988 Section 586(5) of the Education and Training Act 2020
4 Throughout the document Throughout the document Board of Trustees School Board
5 Definitions 1.4.9 Special school Specialist school
6 Declaration Pursuant to the State Sector Act 1.5 75 of the State Sector Act Section 595 of the Education and Training Act 2020
7 Variations Clause 1.6 Section 74 of the State Sector Act Section 586 of the Education and Training Act 2020
8 Variations Clause 1.6 Section 74(6) of the State Sector Act 1988 Section 586(6) of the Education and Training Act 2020
9 Good Employer/Equal Employment Opportunities 2.1 Part7A of the State Sector Act Section 597-607 of the Education and Training Act 2020
10 Advertising Positions 2.2.1 77HB of the State Sector Act Section 603 of the Education and Training Act 2022
11 Appointment Criteria 2.2.3 Section 77G of the State Sector Act 1988 Section 603 of the Education and Training Act 2022
12 Personal Files 2.5.2 Privacy Act 1993 Privacy Act 2020
13 Education Act 1989 and 1964 1.4.3 and throughout the document Throughout the document Education and Training Act 2022
14 Study Leave 7.10.2 Section77A of the State Sector Act 1988 Section 597 and 600 of the Education and Training Act 2022
15 References to "Ministry of Education" Throughout the document "Ministry of Education" Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga
16 References to 'his/hers" "him/her" "he/she" Throughout the document "his/hers", "him/her", "he/she" Replace with "they" "them" "their" where appropriate