Circular 2020/01 - Settlement of the School Caretakers', Cleaners' and Canteen Workers Collective Agreement and the Adult and Community Education Staff in Schools' Collective Agreement and new Individual Employment Agreements

Date 28 January 2020 | Circular 2020/01 | Category Employment Relations

This circular is about details of the recent settlements of the School Caretakers’, Cleaners’ and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement and the Adult and Community Education Staff in Schools’ Collective Agreement.  It also includes information on applicable Individual Employment Agreements.

This circular does not replace any other.

The action needed is to note the contents of this circular and complete the requirements concerning Individual Employment Agreements, if applicable.

It is intended for Chairpersons of Boards of Trustees and Principals of all state and state-integrated schools.

For more information contact the New Zealand School Trustees Association about human resource issues generally on 0800 782 435. Email the Ministry of Education's Employment Relations Unit: All collective agreements for school staff can be found on the Ministry's website:


On 11 December 2019, a collective agreement covering school caretakers, cleaners and canteen staff was settled, and the settlement was ratified by members of E tū on 17 January 2020. The term of this agreement is 11 December 2019 to 11 February 2022.

On 10 December 2019, a collective agreement covering tutors, co-ordinators, professional supervisors and co-ordinator assistants (“ACE personnel”) was settled, and the settlement was ratified by members of the NZ Post Primary Teachers’ Association on 17 December 2019. This agreement is effective from 28 January 2020 to 27 January 2022.

This circular provides a summary of the changes and new provisions agreed in these settlements. The full collective agreements can be downloaded from the Ministry of Education’s website, and printed copies will be available from the New Zealand Schools Trustees Association (NZSTA). (Note: Only downloadable agreements, will be made available for ACECA).

Please note – schools have received their annual increases to operation grant funding of 1.6% for 2019 and 1.8% for 2020. Additional funding that reflects the increased rates in the collective agreements will be provided to boards in their quarterly operational funding payments. Information about this will be provided to Boards soon.

School Caretakers', Cleaners' and Canteen Staff Collective Agreement (SCCCA)


The increased pay rates agreed below will be paid to those employees who are union members in March 2020. Increases to remuneration for cleaners and canteen staff are as follows:

Step Rate effective
8 May 2018
New step Rate effective
11 December 2019
Rate effective
11 December 2020
1 $17.70













2 $17.78
3 $17.87
4 $17.95
5 $18.03
6 $18.12
7 $18.45

Increases to remuneration for assistant grade 1 and grade 2 caretakers (excluding supervisor caretakers) are as follows:

Step Rate effective
1 April 2019
New step Rate effective
11 December 2019
Rate effective
11 December 2020
1 $17.70































2 $17.78
3 $17.87
4 $17.95
5 $18.04
6 $18.12
7 $18.21
8 $18.29
9 $18.38
10 $18.46
11 $18.72
12 $19.35
13 $19.44
14 $19.54
15 $19.63
16 $19.72
17 $19.82
18 $20.20

Increases to remuneration for cleaners and canteen staff who regularly supervise a minimum of 3 other employees are as follows:

Step Rate effective
1 April 2019
New step Rate effective
11 December 2019
Rate effective
11 December 2020
1 $18.05













2 $18.16
3 $18.27
4 $18.38
5 $18.49
Range of Rates      ↓   ↓
6 $19.12      

Increases to remuneration for caretakers who regularly supervise a minimum of 3 other employees are as follows:

Step Rate effective
1 April 2019
New step Rate effective
11 December 2019
Rate effective
11 December 2020
1 $18.00




























2 $18.11
3 $18.22
4 $18.33
5 $18.44
6 $18.55
7 $18.66
8 $18.77
9 $19.46
10 $19.57
11 $19.69
12 $19.81
13 $19.93
14 $20.05
15 $20.17
16 $20.29
17 $21.93  2 $22.59  $23.27 

Other changes:

1. Future workforce issues and possible pay structures from 2022 onwards
The parties agree to meet as required during the six months prior to expiry of the collective agreement to begin to discuss and consider agreed workforce issues, possible approaches for pay structures following the increases provided for in this settlement, and to inform future bargaining.

2. Variation to extend coverage to groundstaff in secondary and area schools
The parties have agreed to commence bargaining for a variation to extend coverage to groundstaff within 90 days of ratification of the new SCCCA.

3. New clause added – 1.8: New Employees
“The parties agree that all new employees who are employed to perform work falling within the coverage clause shall be advised of this collective agreement, be given a copy of it and be advised that they may join E tū.”

4. Amendment to clause – 2.4.3: Hours of Work
“Rest and meal breaks will be provided in accordance with the Employment Relations Act 2000.
Note: at the time of settlement the Act provides that: if an employee’s work period is more than 2 hours but not more than 4 hours, the employee is entitled to one 10-minute paid rest break. If the employees’ work period is over 4 hours they are also entitled to a 30 minute unpaid meal break and if it is over 6 hours they are also entitled to a second 10 minute paid rest break.”

5. New clause added – 5.9: Family Violence Leave
“Family Violence Leave as provided for by the Holidays Act 2003 is in addition to other leave allowances within the collective agreement.”

6. Discussion on delivery of shared services performed by employees
The parties will meet six months prior to expiry of the SCCCA, to discuss opportunities for schools to pool resources for cleaning, caretaking, grounds and canteen work. The goal is to consider and explore possibilities for management of these services and sharing of equipment while also promoting a sustainable workforce.

Adult and Community Education (ACE) Staff in Schools' Collective Agreement (ACECA)


The increases to minimum pay rates agreed provide for a 3% increase from 28 January 2020 and a further increase of 3% from 28 January 2021.

The increases to minimum pay rates agreed below will be paid to those employees who are union members from March 2020.

Increases to minimum remuneration rates for non-teaching co-ordinators are as follows:

Grade  Current From 28 January 2020 from 28 January 2021
Grade one $26.78 $27.58 $28.41
Grade two $31.38 $32.32 $33.29
Grade three (annual salary) $74,891 $77,138 $79,452

Increases to minimum remuneration rates for tutors are as follows:

Step Current From 28 January 2020 From 28 January 2021
1 $30.69 $31.61 $32.56
2 $40.76 $41.98 $43.24

Increases to minimum remuneration rates for professional supervisors, and co-ordinator assistants are as follows:

  Current From 28 January 2020 From 28 January 2021
Professional Supervisors $46.08 $47.46 $48.89
Co-ordinator Assistants $24.45 $25.18 $25.94

Other changes:

1. Family Violence Leave
A new clause reflecting the legislation provided in the Holidays Act 2003 has been included in the new collective agreement.

Individual Employment Agreements (IEA)

Employees who are not union members but whose work could fall within the respective coverage clause of the relevant collective agreement may be offered the newly promulgated IEA to access the applicable terms and conditions of the renegotiated collective agreement.

The Secretary for Education has promulgated new IEAs so those employees who are not union members will need to sign a new IEA to access the new terms and conditions (including the increased pay rates).

The IEA is only valid if both the employer and the employee sign it, and not before the date of promulgation.

Non-union employees who were employed on the day the IEA is promulgated, and who sign the new IEA by 29 Feb 2020, will be eligible for arrears from:

  • 17 January 2020 for employees whose work falls into the coverage clause of the SCCCCA
  • 28 January 2020 for employees whose work falls into the coverage clause of the ACECA.

Employers are required to inform new employees that a collective agreement exists and provide them with a copy of the agreement, as well as information regarding how to contact and join the relevant union. New employees who are not members of the union must be employed on an IEA based on the applicable collective agreement for the first 30 days of employment, after which they can choose to remain on the IEA or join the applicable union and become bound by the collective agreement.

Please note that if the Board and the employee do not sign the new IEA then the new provisions will not apply. Pay rates and other provisions will remain the same as provided for in the now expired collective agreement.

In the event a Board has concerns and/or questions regarding its employment arrangements with individual employees, the Board should contact the NZSTA or seek independent advice.

Issued by

Mark Williamson, Senior Manager Employment Relations and Pay Equity, Education Workforce, Early Learning and Student Achievement
Ministry of Education, National Office, Mātauranga House, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington 6011
PO Box 1666, Wellington 6140, New Zealand, Phone 04-463 8000, Email

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