Tertiary Education: Summary of Initiatives 2023
Initiatives $increase/($decrease) |
Description |
Te Haere Tonu o te Tautoko ki ngā Tauira Mah Operating Funding
Five-year operating total 0.600 million |
This initiative supports the Tertiary Education Commission’s role in administering the extension of the Apprenticeship Boost initiative to 31 December 2024, continuing the Government’s focus on apprenticeships, and ensuring a strong pipeline of skilled workers for key industries. Apprenticeship Boost provides subsidies to employers of eligible first- and second-year apprentices to support apprentices while working toward a qualification. The extension will enable an estimated 26,000 apprentices to start or continue being supported. Note: $16.522 million is provided by Vote Social Development to extend apprenticeships till end of 2024. The total cost of this initiative is $17.122 million |
Ngā Pokapū Kounga o Āhia me Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa – He Penapenatanga Operating Funding
Five-year operating total: (30.000) million |
This savings initiative will discontinue the Centres of Asia-Pacific Excellence (CAPEs) after the end of current contract terms, expiring on 30 June 2024. The CAPEs are university-led, cross-institutional centres of excellence, established to contribute to the development of Asia-Pacific knowledge and language skills in New Zealand. |
Te Whakahāngai Utu mō ngā Takuhe Ako, Whakangungu Mātauranga Matua Operating Funding
Five-year operating total 521.029 million |
This initiative provides funding for an increase of 5.3 percent for tertiary tuition and training subsidies, comprising a 5 percent increase to all subsidy rates to support providers to manage increases in delivery costs and help them to maintain the quality and accessibility of tertiary education and training, as well as an additional phased increase in subsidy rates for te reo Māori and other mātauranga Māori provision. |
Ngā Whare Wānanga Mahi Pakihi – Te Whakahoki Pūtea Operating Funding
Five-year operating total: (15.977) million |
This savings initiative returns out-year funding following the disestablishment of the Entrepreneurial Universities initiative agreed in Budget 2019. The final contracts for Entrepreneurial Universities are being completed in 2023, and the programme will end following this. |
Te Pūtea Hōtaka Whakaako Tauira Kaiako Whai Kounga – Te Whakahoki Pūtea Operating Funding
Five-year operating total: (10.080) million |
This savings initiative returns existing funding for the Exemplary Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes. This funding supported the design and delivery of programmes that exemplified high quality Initial Teacher Education at post-graduate level. Contracts for these programmes ended in 2019 and 2020 and further contracting was delayed while the Teaching Council reviewed its ITE Programme Approval Requirements. In 2021 and 2022 this funding was used to support the induction and mentoring of beginning teachers whose training was impacted by COVID-19. The funding is currently unallocated and can be reprioritised for multiple years. |
Te Takuhe Utu-Ako Kore – Te Whakahoki Pūtea Operating Funding
Five-year operating total: (280.000) million |
This initiative will return $70 million per annum for Fees-Free, due to updated forecasts that show spending on the Fees-Free policy is not expected to reach what is currently appropriated. The Fees Free policy funds the fees of first-time tertiary students or trainees in their first year of provider-based study or first two years of work-based learning. |
Te Whakahāngai utu ki Te Rāngai Kāwanatanga - Ngā Pēhanga Utu ki Te Tahua Mātauranga Matua Vote Tertiary Education Remuneration – Cost Pressure Operating Funding
Five-year operating total 2.868 million |
This initiative provides funding for remuneration cost pressures to give effect to the Public Sector Pay Adjustment (PSPA) for the Tertiary Education Commission and Education New Zealand. |
Te Kaupapa ki te Whakahou i a Te Pūkenga – Putea Taurewa Operating Funding
Capital Funding
Five-year operating total 45.000 million Ten-year capital total 220.000 million |
This initiative provides Te Pūkenga with an interest-free Crown loan of up to $220 million to support it to implement an IT transformation programme. The programme will enable Te Pūkenga to shift from operating more than twenty largely unconnected information systems to integrated IT infrastructure. |
Ngā Kuhunga Ako, Whakangungu Mātauranga Mātua Operating Funding
Five-year operating total 180.695 million |
This initiative provides funding for tertiary education and training providers to help meet the increased level of demand forecast between 2023 and 31 December 2025. |
*outyears funding
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