Continued infrastructure and digital investment
Budget 2023 continues the Government’s investment in educational infrastructure.
In total, it includes $1.2 billion in capital expenditure and $257 million in operating expenditure over a five-year period (not including funding in response to the North Island Weather Events, listed below).
$455 million to continue delivery of the National Education Growth Plan
We are continuing the expansion of the School Property Portfolio by delivering roll growth classrooms and new schools in accordance with the National Education Growth Plan. Budget 2023 delivers total funding of $455 million over five years.
What is the NEGP?
The NEGP aims to address critical growth pressure in the school network. By increasing school capacity, overcrowding in classrooms is reduced, with positive effects on student learning and ability to participate.
The programme is implemented through the Ministry’s Capital Works and Infrastructure Advisory Teams, with quarterly updates to the Minister.
How many student places will this add?
This initiative will deliver approximately 200 roll growth teaching spaces, 100 short term roll growth classrooms and new schools. That will provide at least 6,600 more student places.
$134 million for infrastructure projects in Kaupapa Māori Education and Māori Medium Education
This money will fund remediation projects, site acquisitions, and provision of roll growth classrooms for Kaupapa Māori and Māori Medium Education (MME) education settings. Maintenance funding is also provided to Kōhanga Reo and Puna Reo early childhood centres.
Why is this funding important?
This investment is needed to meet the Government objective of 30 percent of ākonga Māori learning in Kaupapa Māori Education and MME environments by 2040.
How does this initiative align with the National Education Growth Plan (NEGP)?
The NEGP outlines the plan to deliver additional capacity in high demand catchments, however the Kaupapa Māori and MME networks are typically outside of these high growth catchments.
$200 million for the Christchurch schools rebuild
The ongoing rebuild of Christchurch’s schooling infrastructure receives nearly $200 million.
What is the Christchurch Schools Rebuild programme?
The Christchurch Schools' Rebuild (CSR) programme is in its tenth year and once completed will have undertaken property upgrades to around 115 schools. Repairing these schools, which were damaged by the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes, will benefit approximately 45,000 ākonga.
How many school projects still need support?
Thirty-three school projects require this additional capital injection.
$117 million for schools impacted by severe weather events
Budget 2023 offers $117 million to schools affected by the North Island Weather Events, mainly for property repair and rebuild. A portion has been made available to cover costs in the 2022/23 year for the immediate response.
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