National Education Goals (NEGs) and National Administration Guidelines (NAGs)

On 1 January 2023, the National Education Goals (NEGs) and the National Administration Guidelines (NAGs) ceased to have effect.

Most requirements from the NEGs and NAGs have shifted into the Education and Training Act 2020, into new regulations, into the National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP), and into the National Curriculum (some of which will happen through the refresh). 

What is changing? 

The key changes from the existing requirements are: 

Respect for the diverse ethnic and cultural heritage of New Zealand people (NEG 10)

The requirement has been strengthened throughout the Education and Training Act 2020, the NELP and Curriculum. Boards must now ensure that their school gives effect to Te Tiriti and is inclusive of, and caters for, students with differing needs.

Reporting at the school level (NAG 2(d))

Boards will now report to the Secretary for Education as well as their community on school level student performance.

Submission of analysis of variance reports (NAG 8)

Boards will no longer need to submit their analysis of variance to the Secretary for Education by 1 March each year. Boards still need to include their analysis of variance (called a statement of variance from 1 January 2023) in their annual report and submit this to the Secretary by 31 May.

More detail on these changes and information about where each NEG and NAG is shifting to is available from the documents below:

National Education Goals (NEG) - Table [PDF, 546 KB]

National Education Goals (NEG) - Details [DOCX, 500 KB]

National Administration Guidelines (NAG) - Table [PDF, 584 KB]

National Administration Guidelines (NAG) - Details [DOCX, 507 KB]

Where can I go for more information? 

Boards can contact their Education Adviser from their local Ministry office or the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA).

Local Ministry offices

New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA)(external link)

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