Digimatua Pacific

How are families with stronger digital skills better supporting children's education with Digimatua's Pacific community digital inclusion programme?



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Transcript: Digimatua Pacific

Opening sequence (background music): title of the strategy, Connected Ako: Digital and Data for Learning, appears with graphical images of a puna (spring). Transition to moving icons of punas that represent the 6 areas of mahi in the strategy.  

Question appears on the screen: Can families with stronger digital skills better support their children’s education? 

Transition to footage of the story. Interview style format mixed with background images of students and educational environments. 

- [Romana Fetu, Digimatua, CEO, 360 Tautau Trust] Digital inequality is huge for our Pacific families. And we've found that, as part of the Digimatua program, we've been able to be part of the solution. So to be able to try and bridge that gap in the digital space of the digital world that we now live in. And I think that's where really the heart in 360 was birthed, was to provide our wraparound services or programs. 

One of the things that was really strong that came through, our parents as well as their caregivers was they're not connected, so it was how are we going to support them in being able to access online services, to be able to attend their online meetings? We really wanted to make it or simplify the Polokalame so that we can cater to our Pacific people. So we go to them, we teach in bilingual. So a majority of it is taught in the mother tongue. 

- [Emma, family] That program was very important to me because I didn't know how to go to the internet, but now I understand how to message to my family in the island, everywhere around the world. 

- [Breena, parent] I've seen that technology has become a really main part of life nowadays. Not only in work, school, church, pretty much everywhere is technology. 

- [Miriama, family] It's a challenge and it's a gift for us, especially our Pacific Island people, just to get in there and learn more. 

- [Romana] A lot of them are grandparents, are aunties and uncles. And that's the beauty of the Polokalame because we include everybody, then it has a domino effect on everybody in that family, in that village, and in that community. As part of the talanoa program as well, we sit down and have a session around the different applications that the schools offer so that the parents can continue to stay connected, and just find out what's happening with their children. 

- [Breena] They have a lot of their schoolwork on these websites called Seesaw or Studyladder.  

- [Rob, parent] They tend to keep us updated, no matter how big or small an event may be. We get to experience what they're learning about first-hand just by opening up their laptop, or whatever it is. 

- [Josiah, student] They get to know what to help me with, what's going on with school, if I'm doing good, if I'm doing bad. It also just helps them also stay on track of what I'm doing as well. 

- [Emma] Before we never talked to the kids in helping the assignments, but now we can help them. 

- [Romana] The most important thing is that they're connecting. You know, that they are understanding, are aware of what's going on within their children's education, where their children are at and how they're progressing, what to support their children. That's something very important that we talanoa around. There's gotta be a lot of support and love and help that's going on within the home to be able to support that child as well. 

- [Josiah] The use of technology has not only, like my Nana said, helped her understand how to use it and how to know more about it, it's also just brought my relationship with her even closer with the use of technology. Just being able to help her understand and learn more about how to use technology. It's just strengthened our bond. 

- [Romana] To build those relationships due to being able to navigate and use not only the Seesaw app, but also the email, that's what we've seen grow. But also, like I said, the confidence of the parents is awesome to see that they can now just navigate their devices and be confident in who they are, and not shy away from it. But as long as we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of the community, then I know that life for me would be complete. 

Closing sequence (background music) with graphical image of the puna.  

Onscreen title appears: Connected Ako: living, learning and working in the digital world.   

Final screen shows logos of the education agencies. Top line showing agencies leading this work which will develop workplans based on the strategy: Ministry of Education (MoE), New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). Bottom line showing the broader education agencies who have contributed to the strategy and will use it to inform and guide their own plans and decisions: Education New Zealand (ENZ), Education Payroll Limited, Education Review Office (ERO), Network for Learning (N4L), Teaching Council, Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura) and Research Education Advanced Network New Zealand (REANNZ) 


Read the Digimatua Pacific story featured in the Education Gazette:  Digital skills help families connect with children's learning

Education Gazette issue 14 on Issuu(external link)

Education Gazette: Connecting People and Place(external link)

For further information please contact DigitalStrategy@education.govt.nz.

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