How was the strategy developed?
More than 90 key reports and evidence reviewed
It was important to complete an international environment scan and examine how that applies in New Zealand. Analysis of digital education strategies from a range of international jurisdictions was undertaken, many of which have been updated with regard to COVID-19. There is a full list of all the references and reports consulted in the Appendix.
Who have we spoken to?
The development of the strategy included engagement with officials from government agencies, education experts, peak body representatives and others.
Engagement with Māori included successive discussions with the Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group, the Te Rito working groups (Ngā Rau Whakatupu) as well as Te Aka Toitū Trust working with the Minginui school and community. Internal engagement has included discussions with the Te Pou Hanganga, Matihiko Pou Ārahi and members of Te Tuarongo.
Broader government agency involvement included the Department of Internal Affairs, the Ministry for Business Innovation and Employment, the Ministry for Pacific Peoples and the Ministry for Ethnic Peoples.
Common themes emerged from the engagement and research
Digital equity
Access to connectivity and devices at home and within education organisations. It was usually acknowledged that digital equity is a whole of government and civil society responsibility, which needs a coordinated approach and that it requires more than access – trust, motivation, capability as well as affordable access to devices and connectivity.
Learning and teaching
Building digital capability and understanding of best pedagogical practice in a digital world is very important across the education sector.
Digital identity
This is a critical enabler for areas including hybrid learning and digital assessment, the learner journey throughout their education and for teacher, parent and whānau access to information.
The potential to improve the use of data at learner, teacher, whānau, provider and system level and its collection, storage and access to inform decisions and planning.
Interoperability of systems
Across the education landscape is an issue as education providers deal with the complexity of different student management systems, learning management systems, and data required at school and system levels.
Complexity, cost and futureproofing of technology platforms
Complexity, cost and futureproofing of technology platforms is a challenge for many education providers who are looking for guidance, direction and leadership
Stretched time and resources
Some education providers and peak bodies were wary of any strategy which might impose further demands or expectations on their already stretched time and resources.
Support and access for people with disabilities, neurodiversity and language barriers, socio-economic barriers, geographical barriers and age barriers is critical.
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