From strategy to action

Agencies are already progressing important areas for action, working together to provide direction and certainty for the sector.

Upon adoption of the strategy, the key agencies, MOE, NZQA and TEC, will develop an action plan of work and priorities.

Broader agencies in the education whānau will use the strategy to inform and guide their own plans.

As the core agencies plan the work ahead, they will consider a wide range of work programmes, some already underway, some envisaged by individual agencies. These include:


Te ao Māori in digital design

Action: agree processes to embed te ao Māori in digital design and delivery

The design and delivery of digital services is an area of rapid change, potential and sources of innovation. Agencies will work to link the voices and insights of te ao Māori to these initiatives, allowing te ao Māori perspectives and needs to shape services.

Puna difference

Using data to make a difference

Action: design digital identity and deliver sector data framework

Secure digital identity provides access within the education ecosystem, unlocks entitlements, and increases system effectiveness.

Principles and approaches are being refreshed in an education data framework to guide the use of data in education and to address growing opportunities to generate anonymised information and insights about individuals, groups, communities and educational organisations.

safe effective

Safe and effective digital services

Action: improve digital services and support for schools and kura and cyber security assurance across all education organisations

A programme of work is in planning to improve the quality and safety of digital technologies in kura and schools. It will work towards a safer, more secure, connected education system designed to put the needs of learners, and their parents and whānau at the centre.


Engaging widely and effectively 

Action: work with diverse stakeholders on building inclusive digital approaches

Digital innovation and improvement comes from many sources, including disruptions from a wide range of stakeholders and sectors. Agencies are working continually to include diverse voices, and create opportunities for inclusion. 


Future-focussed Leadership

Action: collaborate to scan, plan, and trial emerging technologies 

Education agencies are working to provide leadership and cohesion for the sector, acknowledging that technology, suppliers and options are rapidly changing. Agencies have access to intellectual property, international connections and research, and insights to help decision-makers across the education sector. 


Transformed learning, teaching, assessment and research

Action: build the commitment to include digital and data considerations throughout the education journey 

Building digital capability is pivotal, to help all learners build the skills they need. At the same time, digital and data can contribute to better educational outcomes. This includes approaches to safety and wellbeing, curriculum, assessment, research and building the capability of educators. To enable transformed learning, teaching, assessment and research, learning environments require secure platforms and systems, and assistive tools.

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