All approved Kāhui Ako to continue to receive full funding
Learn more about how existing Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako will not be disadvantaged following a moratorium being placed on the establishment of new Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako.
Level of compliance | Main audience | Other |
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In June 2019, the Minister of Education placed a moratorium on any new Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako (Kāhui Ako) being approved to establish. This was done in order to utilise an ongoing Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako budget underspend to fund the settlement of the teacher and principal collective agreements.
All 221 Kāhui Ako that have been approved will continue to have full funding available to fill all of the roles they are entitled to, regardless of their stage of development. But no new Kāhui Ako will be approved, following this announcement.
Funding will continue for any Kāhui Ako that, at the time of the announcement:
- is currently up and running and has filled or partially filled its roles or is in the process of renewing existing roles
- has had its achievement challenges endorsed and is now recruiting, or is about to start recruiting, for the within and across school teacher roles
- has been approved but does not yet have its achievement challenges endorsed and therefore is yet to have its within and across school roles released for recruitment.
Schools and early learning services can still join, withdraw, or move between existing Kāhui Ako - as is currently the case.
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