Vote Education Summary of Initiatives - Budget 2018
Vote Education Initiative | Description |
A Progress Approach Across the Schooling System
Four year total $5.000 million |
This funding will be used to work with experts, the sector and other stakeholders (including students, parents, whānau and iwi) to develop a new approach to assessment and reporting on progress and achievement, beginning in 2018. |
Christchurch Schools Rebuild
Four year total $16.104 million
Four year total $62.000 million |
This funding provides a capital contribution to the Christchurch Schools Rebuild Programme for 2018/19. The programme is a 10 year programme and is currently in its fifth year. Once complete, the programme will have constructed 13 new schools; rebuilt 10 schools on their existing sites; fully redeveloped 34 schools; and redeveloped 58 schools over 10 years. |
Cost Adjustment For Early Childhood Education
Four year total $104.812 million |
This funding will help meet increased costs for the 20 Hours Early Childhood Education (ECE) subsidy and the ECE subsidy (for under twos and over twos) to help ECE services and kōhanga reo manage increasing costs of provision and maintain quality and affordability for parents and families. |
Cost Adjustment For Schools’ Operational Grant
Four year total $74.623 million |
This funding will increase operational grant funding for state and state-integrated schools from the beginning of the 2019 school year. It will help schools to manage increasing costs including the costs of staff employed through schools’ operational grants, and maintain quality to meet the needs of all their students. |
Early Childhood Education and Schooling – Meeting Increasing Demand
Four year total $984.308 million |
This funding will address the impact of increasing demand for Early Childhood Education, and roll growth in Primary and Secondary Education. This is primarily related to increased school operations funding and teacher salaries volume growth; and early childhood education price and volume growth. |
Education Portfolio Work Programme
Four year total $6.400 million |
This funding will support a coherent package of work that aims to facilitate discussion and action on new and innovative directions for the education system. The package includes a number of strategies, regional follow-up hui and the formation of advisory groups for a number of work streams. Note: A further $350,000 is appropriated into Vote Tertiary Education in Budget 2018 to support the delivery of the Education Work Programme, bringing the total on this programme from the two Votes to $6.8 million over the next two financial years, or $9.3 million over three years (2017/18 to 2019/20). |
Learning Support - Early Intervention Services
Four year total $21.537 million
Four year total $0.272 million |
This funding will enable the Ministry of Education to recruit additional Early Intervention staff; increase the number of contracted places from Early Intervention providers; and increase the number of study awards. This will reduce waiting lists for Early Intervention, improving children’s education and life outcomes, with education, justice, health and welfare savings. |
Learning Support - English For Speakers of Other Languages (Schooling)
Four year total $34.486 million |
This funding will address cost pressures faced in the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programme. This programme funds schools to teach migrant background students English and help them access the curriculum. |
Learning Support - Ongoing Resourcing Scheme
Four year total $133.471 million
Four year total $0.218 million |
This funding will address demand pressures in the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS), which provides resourcing and support to students with the highest and most complex additional learning support needs until they leave school. ORS is a demand-driven model; all students who are assessed and verified as meeting the ORS criteria receive specialist support (such as speech language therapy or occupational therapy), specialist teacher time, teacher aide support and a consumables grant. |
Learning Support - Sensory Schools and New Zealand Sign Language
Four year total $30.200 million |
This funding will address cost pressures to allow children and young people who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, deafblind or have low vision to continue to access specialist services and achieve in education through sensory schools and related services. It will grow the workforce to ensure there are teachers and other professionals with the specialist skills required. This funding will also promote the participation, achievement and wellbeing of deaf and hard of hearing children and young people by supporting New Zealand Sign Language. |
Learning Support - Te Kahu Tōī Intensive Wraparound Service
Four year total $4.792 million
Four year total $0.060 million |
This funding will increase the number of students receiving specialist support through Te Kahu Tōī Intensive Wraparound Service (IWS). IWS is provided to students who have behavioural, social and/or learning needs that are highly complex and challenging (and may have associated intellectual difficulties) and require support at school, at home and in the community. |
Learning Support – Teacher Aide Funding Rates
Four year total $59.323 million |
This funding will address a cost pressure for schools by increasing the Ministry’s teacher aide hourly funding contribution closer to the rate schools are actually paying. The Ministry funds schools to provide teacher aide support for identified students through a number of existing initiatives including In-Class Support, the School High Health Needs Fund, Ongoing Resourcing Scheme, Language and Learning Intervention and the Behaviour Service. It is also likely to increase the actual number of hours of support that students receive. |
School Growth Package
Four year total $46.738 million
Four year total $332.362 million |
This funding will deliver roll growth classrooms, school expansions and redevelopments, new schools, non-teaching space funding and land reimbursements in response to population growth and demographic changes across the schooling network. |
School Leavers’ Toolkit
Four year total $1.700 million |
This funding will support the development of the School Leavers’ Toolkit (the Toolkit). The Toolkit will equip school leavers with the practical skills, knowledge, and capabilities they need for adult life. The funding will allow the Ministry of Education to do key design work, and begin developing tools and support for local communities, to deliver an effective Toolkit. |
Strengthening Equity and Lifting Achievement for Māori Students
Four year total $1.000 million |
This funding will support the development of a co-constructed approach to addressing cultural bias in schools to support equity and accelerate Māori educational achievement and wellbeing. The initiative will build on what we have learned from Te Kotahitanga and subsequent programmes and consider the new system settings since Te Kotahitanga was last implemented. |
Supporting Infrastructure Service Delivery
Four year total $8.600 million |
The funding will cover a growing shortfall in Education Infrastructure Service departmental operating expenditure due to declining baselines (excluding Public Private Partnerships), non-discretionary cost increases and greater service requirements. |
Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori
Four year total $11.405 million |
This funding will provide a programme designed to lift the overall capability across the system for delivering quality te reo Māori provision. |
Te Kawa Matakura
Four year total $2.130 million |
This funding will fulfil government commitments to develop a programme and qualification for secondary students who exhibit excellence in te ao Māori. |
Teacher Supply Response Package
Four year total $19.966 million |
This funding will be used to implement a targeted, multi-channelled response package to ease short to medium term pressure on teacher supply. |
Voluntary Bonding Scheme
Four year total $6.376 million |
This funding will meet demand for the Voluntary Bonding Scheme (VBS). The VBS aids the recruitment and retention of beginning teachers into Decile 1 and highly isolated schools, enabling principals to employ the teaching staff needed to deliver the New Zealand curriculum. There has recently been an increase in the number of applications, and a corresponding increase in the number of teachers accepted into the VBS. |
Home Based Early Childhood Education - Contingency
Four year total $2.297 million |
This funding is the Cost Adjustment component for Home Based Early Childhood Education. This funding has been set aside for home-based ECE providers who meet the quality criteria for home-based ECE services. It will be drawn down once the quality criteria have been developed. The quality criteria will be based on the findings from the Review of Home-based ECE, which is due to be completed in November 2018. |
* The five year total is from 2017/18 to 2021/22.
Vote Education Reprioritisation | Description |
Reprioritisation - Boarding Allowances Underspend
Five year total ($1.100) million* |
This returns the 2017/18 underspend in the Boarding Allowances appropriation. |
Reprioritisation - Careers Pilots
Four year total ($5.779) million |
This saving is due to not progressing careers education pilots that were planned for ten Kāhui Ako across New Zealand. |
Reprioritisation - Funding Arrangements for Private Schools
Four year total ($3.829) million |
These savings are due to the removal of operational grant components and access to Te Kura subjects from private schools. |
Reprioritisation - Interest Subsidy for Schools
Four year total ($0.480) million |
This saving recognises that the Interest Subsidy for Schools programme is in its final year and funding will no longer be required after 2017/18. |
Reprioritisation - Investing In Educational Success Underspend
Five year total ($47.375) million* |
This saving is due to the 2017/18 underspend in Investing in Educational Success. |
Reprioritisation - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Teacher Ambassador Programme
Four year total ($0.300) million |
This saving is due to the NASA Teacher Ambassador Programme not progressing. The Ministry has been unable to establish this programme due to barriers signing relevant contracts with NASA. |
Reprioritisation – Removing Underutilised Early Childhood Education Participation Funds
Four year total ($23.252) million |
These savings are due to the discontinuation of Targeted Assistance for Participation – Full funding (TAP 1), Intensive Community Participation Projects, and Participation Flexible Funding. |
Reprioritisation - United World College Scholarships
Four year total ($0.200) million |
This saving is due to the discontinuation of United World College Scholarships. |
* The five year total is from 2017/18 to 2021/22.
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