Te Whatu Pōkeka (Māori)
'Te Whatu Pōkeka: Kaupapa Assessment for Learning Māori: Early Childhood Exemplars' were developed to provide a resource based on a kaupapa Māori perspective and context. The focus of the resource is the assessment of Māori children in Māori early childhood settings.
Durie, M. (2003). Ngā Kāhui Pou: Launching Māori Futures. Wellington: Huia Publishers.
Hemara, W. (2000). Māori Pedagogies: A Review from the Literature. Wellington: NZCER.
King, M., ed. (1975). Te Ao Hurihuri. Wellington: Hicks Smith.
Macfarlane, A. H. (2004). “The Value of Māori Ecologies in the Study of Human Development”. In Human Development in Aotearoa – A Journey through Life (2nd ed.), ed. W. Drewery and L. Bird, pp. 38–42. Auckland: McGraw-Hill.
Metge, J. (1984). Learning and Teaching: He Tikanga Māori. Research Paper. Wellington: Department of Education.
Ministry of Education (1996). Te Whāriki: He Whāriki Mātauranga mō ngā Mokopuna o Aotearoa/Early Childhood Curriculum. Wellington: Learning Media.
Ministry of Education (1998). Quality in Action: Te Mahi Whai Hua: Implementing the Revised Statement of Desirable Objectives and Practices in New Zealand Early Childhood Services. Wellington: Learning Media.
Moko Mead, H. (2003). Tikanga Māori: Living by Māori Values. Wellington: Huia Publishers.
Pere, R. (1997). Ako: Concepts and Learning in the Māori Tradition. Wellington: Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust.
Pere, R. (2000). “Different Ways of Knowing”. In Building the Research Capacity within Māori Communities, ed. V. Tapine. Wellington: NZCER.
Rameka, L. (2007) Māori Approaches to Assessment In Canadian Journal of Native Education: Indigenous Approaches to Early Childhood Care and Education. Vol 30 p126-144
Rewi, P. (2004). Ko te waihanga me ngā wehewehenga o te whaikōrero: The Structural System of Whaikōrero and its Components. Junctures, 2, 16-32.