Teacher aide pay equity operational guidelines for schools

Guidance for schools on the implementation of the teacher aide pay equity settlement.  

Pay rate calculator

9 Changes to grades

The settlement does not require a review of all teacher aide roles and pay grades. Most teacher aides will be automatically translated to the correct point on the new work matrix under the translation rules agreed as part of the settlement.

With the point to point translation, the large majority of teacher aide roles will be placed into the correct grade under the work matrix. However, in rare circumstances, some teacher aides might have been doing work before the settlement that now falls into a higher grade on the matrix.

This is separate from the times when you need to think about how your teacher aides are graded and consider if any changes are required. 

For example:

  • during the usual performance review process
  • after giving a teacher aide more responsibility
  • where the teacher aide requests a review of their grade

Please note, if these occur after 12 February 2020 they are not considered part of the settlement.

Annual performance reviews

Every year, you should set up a meeting with your teacher aides to discuss their role and performance. This is an opportunity to ensure their job description/ written requirements are up to date and accurately reflects their role and placement in the work matrix.

You can seek advice from NZSTA about good practice for the annual performance review process.

After giving a teacher aide more responsibility

If you have asked your teacher aide to perform work requiring a higher level of ongoing responsibility as described in the work matrix, you will need to consider if this affects their grade.

If you determine that the point to point translation does not reflect the work done by a teacher aide according to the new work matrix, you will need to update EdPay or submit a NOVO22nt form to reflect the correct grade.

Changes to grades as a direct result of the settlement

There may be a small number of teacher aides who feel that their current grade doesn't reflect their role within the new work matrix.

Clause 3.9 of the CA applies if a teacher aide raises an issue about the appropriateness of their grade or if the employer reviews the responsibilities of the role and decides a change of grade is required.

If a teacher aide requests a review of their grade, you should assess the job description against the skills, demands and responsibilities outlined in the work matrix table to determine if the grade is appropriate for the work performed. Working across each grade in the matrix, a teacher aide should be placed in the grade that reflects the highest skills, demands or responsibilities performed both regularly and on an ongoing basis.

You can seek advice from NZSTA about good practice for job evaluation and grading against the work matrix.


Additional funding

Applications for additional funding for teacher aides who were regraded as a direct result of the settlement closed on 30 November 2020.

Applications will be assessed against the criteria and we will notify you of the outcome of your application. Incomplete applications will be returned and will not be assessed. If your application is successful you will receive additional funding as part of your 1 April 2021 operational grant instalment. Funding will be available from the effective date of the new grade as agreed between the employer and teacher aide.  

If your application is declined you have the right to request we reconsider your application, the process to do this will be outlined in the letter of decline.

Assessment criteria

The following criteria will be used to assess eligibility for funding to cover exceptional translation costs:

  1. the teacher aide was completing the work in question before the date of settlement (12 February 2020)
  2. the teacher aide was correctly graded on the Support Staff in Schools’ Collective Agreement positions element table (clause 3.4) before 12 February 2020
  3. the skills/demands/responsibilities needed in the teacher aide role are regular and ongoing
  4. the work falls into a higher grade as a direct result of the new work matrix

If you require assistance we recommend you seek advice from NZSTA who can be contacted at eradvice@nzsta.org.nz or on 0800 782 435 (option 2).