Specialist Residential Schools' Collective Agreement
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Section 4: Remuneration | Ngā Utu
Specialist Residential Schools' Collective Agreement
Effective 11 December 2022 until 30 April 2025
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4.1 Specialist/Executive Management Group | Ngā Mātanga me ngā Rōpū Whakahaere
4.1.1 From 30 September 2015 a new Specialist/Executive Management Group is established. The minimum salary entry point is $70,000 per annum for the term of this agreement, except for those Executive Managers who routinely undertake work described in the Administration Support Staff Work Matrix Table, whether designated as administration support staff or not.
4.1.2 Subject to clause 4.1.3 below, the employer may assign an individual to this Specialist and Executive/Management Group at the employer’s sole discretion.
4.1.3 The Specialist and Executive/Management Group is reserved for staff who:
- are part of the Senior Management Team (SMT) of the school; or
- have whole of school responsibility for functions such as Finance and /or Human Resources and/or Property; or
- are employed for their specialist skills.
4.1.4 For the purposes of clause 4.1.3(i), the SMT is by definition the group within the management structure of the school which has whole of school oversight and responsibility to the Board of Trustees.
4.2 Pay rates for grade A, grade B, grade C and grade D from 10 August 2021 | Ngā pāpātanga utu mō te taumata A, taumata B, taumata C me te taumata D mai i te 10 o Hereturikōkā 2021
4.2.1 This agreement specifies the minimum rates of pay.
4.2.2 With effect from 11 December 2022, the following pay scale will apply to all non-teaching staff employed by specialist residential schools, except those in the Specialist Executive/Management Group and those who routinely undertake work described in the Administration Support Staff Work Matrix Table, whether designated as administration support staff or not:
Grade Step Current Rate Rates effective from
11 December 2022Rates effective from
11 December 2023Grade A 1 $45,320 $49,320 $51,320 Grade A 1 $45,320 $49,320 $51,320 Grade B 2 $45,530 $49,530 $51,530 Grade B 3 $45,530 $49,530 $51,530 Grade B 4 $45,956 $49,956 $51,956 Grade B 5 $46,146 $50,146 $52,146 Grade B 6 $46,353 $50,353 $52,353 Grade C 7 $47,230 $51,230 $53,230 Grade C 8 $48,677 $52,677 $54,677 Grade C 9 $50,187 $54,187 $56,187 Grade C 10 $51,757 $55,757 $57,757 Grade C 11 $53,377 $57,377 $59,377 Grade D 12 $55,022 $59,022 $61,022 Grade D 13 $56,678 $60,678 $62,678 Grade D 14 $58,446 $62,446 $64,446 Grade D 15 $60,274 $64,274 $66,274 Grade D 16 $61,796 $65,796 $67,796
4.3 Position elements table | Tūtohi Huānga Tūranga
Elements of the position Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D Level of skill and knowledge The position requires basic skills and knowledge including communication, literacy, and the ability to interact and build relationships with other people. The position also requires specific skills and knowledge relevant to the role. Highly-developed skills and knowledge, relevant to the position, are required. Advanced specialist skills and knowledge, relevant to the position, are required. Degree of problem-solving ability The position requires the ability to identify basic problems and take appropriate action. The position requires the ability to identify and take appropriate action to solve intermediate level problems. The position requires the ability to identify and resolve complex problems. The position requires the use of specialist skills and knowledge to anticipate, identify and resolve complex problems. Degree of freedom to act independently The position involves following instructions and carrying out set duties and tasks within defined procedures. The position allows a degree of initiative in carrying out duties and tasks within defined procedures. The position allows for initiative and flexibility in carrying out duties and tasks, including implementing procedures and adapting these to suit particular situations. The position also involves the development and maintenance of procedures and/or systems as required, as well as ensuring these are effective and followed appropriately. Degree of accountability As the position is likely to operate within defined parameters, there is minimal accountability associated with the position. As the position involves some decision-making, within defined parameters, there is limited accountability associated with the position. The position involves greater flexibility to make decisions which carry risk. Accountability in the position will therefore require such decisions to be explained and justified. The position involves significant accountability and risk. There is expectation to report and justify decisions to the SMT and/or the Board. Level of supervision and/or management None. The position occasionally involves supervision and/or oversight of others’ work. The position usually involves supervision and/or oversight of others’ work. The position will involve supervision of others’ work and is likely to involve management of staff.
4.4 Job Descriptions | Ngā Whakaaturanga Tūranga Mahi
4.4.1 The employer will determine job descriptions and/or other written requirements for all positions.
4.4.2 Where a job description and/or written requirements for an existing position do not exist, the current employee will be consulted in determining a job description.
4.4.3 The job description and/or written requirements for the position will be reviewed as part of the annual appraisal.
4.4.4 The job description and/or written requirements may be updated by the employer as required following consultation with the employee (at the time of annual appraisal or at any other time). Substantial changes to the job description and/or written requirements for the position may not be made until after the employer has consulted the employee and endeavoured to reach agreement.
Note (i): For the avoidance of doubt, changes to a job description and/or written requirements can be made at any time by agreement between the employer and the employee.
4.5 Grading | Te Whakataumata
4.5.1 Every position shall be placed within one of the four grades A, B, C or D except for positions in the Specialist and Executive/Management Group and positions covered by Section 4A or Section 4B below.
4.5.2 The employer will determine the grade for each position after considering the job description and/or any other written requirements of the position against the position elements table in clause 4.3 and the requirements of clause 4.5.6.
4.5.3 A position element must be assessed by the employer as being either Grade A, B, C or D for each of the five position elements.
4.5.4 Descriptors of the grades for each position element are found in clause 4.3.
4.5.5 Each position element shall be assessed by the employer at the grade which most reflects the requirements of the position in terms of the position elements at clause 4.3 and the provisions of clause 4.5.6.
4.5.6 If one or more position elements are assessed by the employer at different grades, then the employer shall decide the grade of the position by assessing what grade most reflects requirements of the position. In so doing, the employer shall take into account:
- scale of the school operation;
- internal relativity;
- external relativity (market, industry);
- recruitment;
- retention;
- responsibility/autonomy of the role;
- supervision of others;
- experience required; and
- relevant educational or other qualifications required.
4.6 Placement Within a Grade | Te Whakataunga i Roto i Tētahi Taumata
4.6.1 Employees may, upon appointment, be placed at any point within the appropriate salary scale in the grade applicable to the position. Criteria to be considered in deciding the actual starting rate of pay include:
- previous work or relevant experience in relation to the position;
- level of skill and responsibility which in the opinion of the employer is required to be exercised in the position;
- the relevant educational or other qualifications required;
- the level of te reo Māori and understanding of nga tikanga Māori required for the position (where relevant);
- the level of knowledge of deaf culture and NZSL required for the position (where relevant); and
- the ease or difficulty in retaining or recruiting the specific skills and/or experience required for the position.
4.7 Progression within grades | Te Kokenga i Roto i Ngā Taumata
4.7.1 From 1 November 2021, progression through steps within the minimum and maximum rates that apply to each Grade will occur on the employee’s anniversary date each year, unless the employer considers that the employee has failed to meet standards of performance as assessed by the employer against the job description or written requirements for the position, and has informed the employee of this no later than two months prior to the progression becoming due.
4.8 Movement between grades | Te Nekehanga i Waenga i Ngā Taumata
4.8.1 Unless otherwise specified movement between the grades shall occur:
- by appointment or promotion; or
- by re-grading of the position where the requirements of the position have altered substantially. The employer shall consider the factors in clause 4.5 or 4B.2 as the criteria for movement between the grades.
4.9 Salary progression for employees on range of rates in Specialist and Executive/Management Group | Te Kokenga Utu Mā Ngā Kaimahi i Runga i te Whānuitanga o Ngā Pāpātanga o Ngā Mātanga me ngā Rōpū Whakahaere
4.9.1 Where the employee is paid on the Specialist and Executive/Management range of rates, the employer will review the employee’s salary annually. This review will be carried out after discussion with the employee.
4.9.2 The employer will take into account whether the employee has met or exceeded standards of performance as assessed by the employer against the job description and/or written requirements of the position in reviewing the salary.
4.9.3 Other factors which the employer will take into account are:
- particular skills, qualifications, on the job experience and level of responsibility;
- the ease or difficulty in recruiting and/or retaining the specific skills and/or experience required for the position;
- whether the current salary level is commensurate with the duties required;
- salary rates shall not be reduced by reason of the operation of the ranges of rates.
4.10 Part-Time Salaried Employees | Ngā Kaimahi Hangere Whai Utu
Wages, salaries and allowances will be paid to part-time employees pro rata, using the following formula:
Hours worked per week x 100
= % of salary payable
40 hours
4.11 Payment of Salaries | Te Utu i ngā Utu ā-Tau
4.11.1 Salaries shall be paid fortnightly in arrears by direct credit to a bank account on receipt of the appropriate written authority from an employee.
4.11.2 The employer shall provide to an employee a written advice of the gross pay and deductions made each time the employee's gross pay or any deduction is altered.
4.12 Deductions from Salary | Ngā Tangohanga Utu ā-Tau
4.12.1 The employer shall be entitled to make a deduction from the salary of an employee:
- pursuant to the Wages Protection Act 1983 with the required notice being given to the employee; or
- where required to by legislation or by court direction; or
- at the employee's written request or consent.
4.13 Extra Payment Based On Average Weekly Earnings (Holiday Pay) | Utu Tāpiri i Runga anō i Ngā Whiwhinga Moni Toharite ā-Wiki (Utu Rā Whakatā)
4.13.1 A ‘top up’ extra payment based on average weekly earnings, will be made to employees who qualify, once a year before the Christmas/New Year close down. Rostered employees receiving a specific regular allowance incorporating penal rates and/or overtime do not qualify. The process in clauses 4.13.2 to 4.13.4 will be used to calculate the extra payment.
4.13.2 Average weekly earnings will be calculated over a 52 consecutive week calculation year (normally December to November) by dividing gross earnings (as defined in s14 of the Holidays Act 2003) by 52.
4.13.3 Where average weekly earnings are less than ordinary pay at the end of the calculation year, no payment is due.
4.13.4 Where average weekly earnings exceeds ordinary weekly pay, then a payment will be made based on the difference, multiplied by the annual leave entitlement.
4.14 Savings | Ngā Penapena
4.14.1 Unless specifically varied by negotiation as part of the settlement, nothing in this Agreement shall operate to reduce the wages and conditions of employment applying to any employee at 29 September 2015.