Recent updates
- Development map for New Zealand Sign Language in Education15 January 2025Learning support
- Increasing school attendance29 May 2024Attendance and achievement
- Child protection policy3 October 2024Policies
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Attendance and achievement
Find out about our attendance and achievement priorities.
Action Plan for Pacific Education
Find out about the action plan 2020-2030, including progress updates.
Māori education and language
Find out about the policies and strategies guiding Māori education and language.
Find out about the long-term direction for managing school property to support all schools having quality learning environments.
Wellbeing in education
Find out about resources for educators, students, parents and whānau to help support the wellbeing of children and young people.
Tertiary and further education
Find out about the strategies and policies guiding agencies to support and deliver tertiary and further education for domestic and international students.
Learning support
Find out what support is available to children that have learning support needs, and how to access it.
Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP)
The NELP identified the Government’s educational priorities for early learning services, schools and kura in 2020.
Early learning
Find out about the strategies and policies guiding agencies to deliver good outcomes for early learning education in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Ministry of Education policies including Child Protection Policy and protected disclosures.
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