The Minister of Education is consulting on tertiary fee regulation settings for 2023

The Minister of Education invites submissions on fee regulation settings for tertiary education providers in 2023. This includes a proposed Annual Maximum Fee Movement of 2.75 percent, in line with tuition subsidy increases for 2023.

The Annual Maximum Fee Movement

The Government regulates how much tertiary providers can increase their fees for domestic students each year through the Annual Maximum Fee Movement (AMFM). This caps the percentage increase on fees for existing courses at level 3 or above on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.

The Minister of Education has proposed an AMFM rate of 2.75 percent for the 2023 calendar year, in line with tuition subsidy increases for 2023. This would permit a 2.75 percent increase on the fees (GST exclusive) charged in 2022 to domestic students. This strikes a balance between maintaining the affordability of tertiary education for students and their whānau, while also giving tertiary providers some flexibility to help cover increases to costs in 2023.The Gazette notice also specifies that:

  • fees for programmes previously funded through the Industry Training Fund remain unregulated
  • the fee setting limits for new courses (the 75th percentile rule) applies to courses that are part of a unified programme at Te Pūkenga, to support Te Pūkenga’s process to unify programmes across its network from 2023.

The Gazette also references other existing fee regulation settings, including fee setting limits for new courses and the micro-credentials fee cap (the latter was confirmed by the Minister in 2020 and introduced from the start of 2021).

Consultation process

The proposed conditions have been published in the New Zealand Gazette and submissions close 28 July 2022.

The Tertiary Education (2023 Fee Regulation Settings) Notice 2022 - link)

Following consultation, the Minister will then make a final decision on the fee regulation settings for 2023, including the AMFM rate.


Submissions can be sent by email to


Submissions can be sent by post to:

Fee Regulation Settings Submission

Tertiary Education Policy

Ministry of Education

PO Box 1666

Wellington 6140

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