Te reo matatini me pāngarau, literacy & communication and maths strategies released

Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education has developed Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna to support learners by strengthening Te Reo Matatini me Pāngarau across reo Māori education pathways, and it has also released the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy.

Associate Minister of Education Jan Tinetti announced the release of the strategies at the National Library of New Zealand on 25 March. Here’s what she had to say:

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Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy and Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna

Speaker: Hon Jan Tinetti – Associate Minister of Education

Location: The National Library of New Zealand, Friday 25 March 2022

I want there to be joy in teaching. I want there to be joy in the teaching and learning of literacy, communication, maths, te reo matatini and pāngarau for every student and teacher in this country. They are such important foundational skills and when kids aren't enjoying their learning or don't feel like they're succeeding, it can impact on how they feel about school or even wanting to come to school at all. And when we look at the statistics and the learning outcomes, there are clear signs that change is needed to achieve equity and excellence, particularly in our English language pathways. And I'm excited to be able to tell you today that we have reached an important milestone.

Today I am announcing two strategies which will shape actions over the coming years to strengthen the teaching and learning of these foundation skills as students move through their early learning and schooling. What these strategies do is that they make clear the changes and support we are looking to put in place over the next few years to support literacy communication, maths, te reo matatini and pāngarau.

Specific changes need to be designed with people, and of course putting in place all of these supports will take time.

Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna, the strategy for te reo matatini and pāngarau seizes an opportunity to reclaim the original intent of these terms. The goal is better to support tamariki and rangatahi to achieve success as Māori within Māori language education pathways. Recognising the importance of ensuring all mokopuna get the teaching and learning they need to achieve in their aspirations and become confident leaders of tomorrow within te ao Māori and the wider world.

The Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy is for English language education pathways. It sets out to shape early learning and schooling pathways to deliver equity and excellence in literacy, communication, mathematics & statistics, and numeracy teaching and learning. So every child and young person gains the foundational skills they need to achieve their aspirations and thrive in our changing world.

And unlike some attempts in the past to lift performance, these strategies have been developed by drawing on a range of research and evidence, alongside conversations with groups and individuals from the education sector and wider communities. These are ambitious strategies, and they should be. Our young people deserve no less. They guide action across a range of system settings because we know that to make a genuine shift on improving outcomes, we cannot depend on a single initiative or action.

There has been a particular emphasis on those being least well-served by our system, because these strategies need to help us progress in our journey towards a genuinely inclusive education system. One where every child feels like they really belong, are present and participating, make progress, and where their well-being is safeguarded and promoted.

How we teach literacy, communication, maths, te reo matatini and pāngarau is such an important part of achieving that vision and making early learning services, schools and kura a place where students want to attend each and every day. Our education system can be reimagined to support kaiako, teachers and leaders better. To make it easier for places of learning to provide teaching and learning that fits each learner and their whānau and to access additional support for learners when they need it.

Detailed plans are coming, which will set out how the strategic actions indicated in the strategies will be progressed. Design and implementation of the actions is something Te Poutāhū | the Curriculum Centre, will work together on with our wider education community.

We have already started with some of the most important initial actions, in particular the refresh of our national curriculum for schooling and NCEA changes. The refresh of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa is founded on Te Tamaiti Hei Raukura, the foundation statement for the refresh reflecting holistic view of learners and recognising mokopuna as raukura, leaders for tomorrow. This privileges a Māori world view promoting, uplifting and valuing the essential place of te reo matatini and pāngarau in education.

As the New Zealand curriculum is refreshed, literacy & communication and numeracy demands will be explicitly woven across all learning areas so that all teachers are supported to be effective teachers of these foundation skills across the curriculum.

I am grateful for the open and generous involvement of all of those who have engaged in the process of developing these strategies. Our shared commitment to quality, teaching and learning for every learner and their whānau is clear. I'm really excited about the opportunity ahead of us to work together to realise a curriculum which is equitable, inclusive and future focussed for all ākonga and their whānau and I hope that you are too.

We are weaving te reo matatini and pāngarau throughout the redesign of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, and literacy, communication and numeracy throughout Te Whāriki and the refresh of The New Zealand Curriculum to deliver improved teaching and learning for ākonga.

All our diverse ākonga will be supported to experience success in their learning from well-supported teachers and kaiako, in connection with whānau and the wider community including iwi and hapū. Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna and the Literacy & Communication and Maths strategies support this to be achieved.

For learning in and through te reo Māori, Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna upholds a holistic view of ākonga, supporting kaiako to focus on the unique needs of each student. The strategy celebrates the critical role of kaiako, both as learners and teachers, in maximising mokopuna success, and ensures that whānau, hapū and iwi can define what learning is important to them and how it is expressed in their marau ā-kura (localised curriculum).

This is why it is so important that te reo matatini and pāngarau are explicitly woven throughout the curriculum.

The Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy is for English language education pathways. It sets out to shape the early learning and schooling pathways to deliver equity and excellence. The strategy’s focus on building strong literacy, communication, mathematics, numeracy and statistics skills will provide a foundation for learning for Aotearoa New Zealand’s tamariki and rangatahi, so every ākonga reaches their potential, secure in their identities, languages, and cultures.

Teachers will be better supported to provide teaching and learning that fits each child so they can enjoy full and meaningful lives secure in their languages, cultures and identities in our rapidly changing world.

We encourage you to engage and familiarise yourself with the strategy documents and content.

Progressing everything in the strategies will take time. Detailed plans are coming which will set out how the strategic actions indicated in the strategies will be progressed. Design and implementation of the actions is something Te Poutāhū | Curriculum Centre, will work together on with our wider education community.

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