Te Ahu o te Reo Māori 2021
School leaders, teachers and support staff can now register for a ground-breaking programme that encourages the education workforce to grow their confidence in using te reo and integrating it into the learning of all ākonga and students.
Te Ahu o te Reo Māori will roll out nationwide in 2021 for both new, emerging and competent speakers in education who are keen to develop their fluency and expand their knowledge further.
Successfully piloted last year with more than 1,000 principals, teachers and support staff, the 120-hour programme will be offered through weekly classes, online lessons, and wānanga or noho marae.
A further post-delivery support programme consisting of approximately 50 hours for up to 8 weeks will offer additional support to help embed and enhance learnings in the classroom.
Registrations are open to:
- English medium teachers from early learning services through to secondary school
- Māori medium kaiako, from Kōhanga Reo through to wharekura
- Non-teaching and support staff in kura, schools, wharekura, early learning services and Kōhanga Reo.
Based on a te reo Māori competency framework Ngā Taumata o Te Ahu o te Reo Māori, learning will focus on:
- the use of local dialect;
- practice of reo use for a classroom setting
- grammar and writing conventions
- curriculum development; and
- language planning for the classroom.
Te Ahu o te Reo Māori will be offered in 10 Ministry of Education locations including:
- Te Tai Tokerau/Auckland/Waikato
- Bay of Plenty/Waiariki
- Taranaki/Manawatū/Whanganui
- Hawke’s Bay/Tairāwhiti
- Wellington
- Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast
- Canterbury/Chatham Islands
- Otago/Southland.
If you have any further questions or queries, please email tereo.maorigroup@education.govt.nz
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