New digital technology grants open to schools and kura
The new Education Gazette | Blue Star technology grant has been launched in 2021 as part of the Gazette’s centenary celebrations, giving schools and kura the chance to win one of $2,500 grants to support digital technology learning.
Blue Star has been involved with the production of the Education Gazette for many years and is proud to support the Gazette mark 100 years of publication by offering a total of $10,000 in grants to support digital technology learning in schools.
There are four awards of $2,500: two to support hangarau matihiko in te reo Māori-medium education, and two to support digital technology teaching in English-medium. Schools and kura have the chance to win one of the four funds when they submit a portfolio of a module of their Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko teaching.
The four grant recipients will be selected randomly from the entries.
The funds are to be spent on technology by the school or kura to help further enhance their programme.
Schools and kura can simply email photos and/or a video, and a short write-up (max. 500 words) of an example of the DT|HM learning happening at their school or kura.
Entries are to be emailed to before the deadline of 11.59pm, 3 May 2021.
For more information, visit Education Gazette | Blue Star technology grant
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