NCEA Literacy and Numeracy standards become mandatory from 2024
The new NCEA Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau | Literacy and Numeracy standards will be piloted for one more year before they become mandatory corequisites to NCEA in 2024.
This means learners, schools and kura have an extra year to transition to the new standards.
We encourage schools and kura to use the transitional year to continue supporting their learners and help them prepare for the changes in 2024.
The new NCEA te reo matatini me te pāngarau | literacy and numeracy standards will still be available from 2023 so that schools and kura that wish to prepare for the changes by using the new standards are able to do so.
In 2023, students will be able to meet the literacy and numeracy qualification requirements either through the new standards or through existing avenues.
Learning, teaching, and assessment resources for literacy(external link), numeracy(external link), te reo matatini(external link) and pāngarau(external link) are also available on our website to support you in preparing for the changes.
Later this year, we will be releasing information on how schools and kura can use the new standards in 2023 as well as the transition arrangements for 2024.
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