Māori TV’s Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora back to support learning for tamariki and rangatahi
Te Tāhuhu o Te Mātauranga and Māori Television are again proud to collaborate to deliver ‘Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora’ while Auckland is in Alert Level 3 and the rest of Aotearoa is in Alert Level 2.
The programmes will link to online supports available through Ki te Ao Mārama(external link), national free-to-air broadcasts of classrooms and on-demand videos for whānau to support learning outcomes from home. Programming is for tamariki and rangatahi, 0 – 18 years old, who are te reo Māori learners within puna reo, kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa Māori, kura ā-iwi, wharekura, bilingual and immersion settings.
Mauri Reo, Mauri Ora will be presented by teachers and te reo Māori exponents Te Korou Whangataua, Juneea Silbery and Ani-Piki Tuari, and supported by a team of Māori subject-matter experts and well-known personalities.
Programming will run from Monday to Friday 9am – 3pm and will include popular educational programs such as Te Nūtube, Tākaro Tribe and Kia Mau. Newly created programmes that support learning in te reo Māori will also be included.
Head to Mauri Reo Mauri Ora(external link) for more information and schedules, and all content will be available for catch up viewing on Māori Television(external link).
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