Te Rito: Get to know children before teaching them
We are delighted to announce the official relaunch of Te Rito, a national information-sharing platform that enables ākonga and learner information to follow them throughout their education.
Your school or kura is invited to sign up now and connect your student management system (SMS) to Te Rito. This will enable information about your ākonga and learners to travel with them when they change schools.
Join Te Rito – Te Rito(external link)
It will be some time before all kura and schools can access and use Te Rito, but connecting your school's SMS is a critical first step. It ensures that data about learners held in the SMS is not lost if students move to a new school.
Te Rito is being implemented in partnership with educators. Our two Te Rito working groups, Ngā Rau Whakatupu Māori and Auraki, have worked closely with the Ministry to co-design Te Rito since 2017 and are leading its delivery alongside Te Mahau and the Ministry’s Te Rito team.
For more information, visit the Te Rito website.
Welcome – Te Rito(external link)
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