Information on the Network Approval application process is now available
In February 2023, new Network Management requirements come into force for the early childhood sector.
From 1 February 2023, anyone wanting to establish a licensed early childhood service will first need to apply for and be granted ‘network approval’.
These new requirements are designed to ensure licenced early childhood services in Aotearoa New Zealand are part of a planned and diverse network that is sustainable and meets the needs of communities.
Comprehensive information about Network Management, including the application process to seek network approval, is now available on Network management.
You can download a fact sheet and distribute if required, in a range of languages.
If you have questions about the application process or want to clarify the requirements, the Ministry will be hosting two online hui, on 5 December 2022 and 17 January 2023.
Visit Eventbrite(external link) for details.
Note that applications for network approval do not open until 1 February 2023.
The Ministry will continue to engage with sector groups on network management implementation throughout 2023. Our expectation is that the underlying process will evolve, as our data matures and our systems are refined.
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