Improve the quality of early learning: consultation
Public views are being sought on a second round of proposed reforms to improve the quality of early learning services for tamariki and whānau.
John Brooker, Group Manager, Education System Policy says the proposed changes will help create a high quality and sustainable early learning network supported by well-qualified teaching staff and leaders.
He said the consultation was an important chance for all people interested in the care, education, and wellbeing of our tamariki in their early years to have their say.
The proposals include:
- implementing the new network management function
- regulating for 80% qualified teachers in teacher-led centre-based and hospital-based services and
- strengthening the role and requirements of persons responsible for teacher-led centres, hospital-based services, and for home-based services.
Consultation on the proposals closes 13 October 2021.
The Ministry is also consulting on changes to qualifications required for educators in home-based services until 27 September 2021.
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