Applications are now open for the Gifted Learners Awards

The Gifted Learners Awards look to support a range of learners, from early childhood to school leaving age, to extend and challenge themselves in areas in which they excel.

Applications can be for an individual or a group of learners. The awards can provide funding of up to $2,500 per individual or $5,000 per group, for a 12-month period maximum.

“Once those applications were in, the obvious belief in [themselves] just shone through” – Nan Walden, Head of Learning Area Creative Technologies at St Mary’s College Wellington, speaking about the boost in confidence and belief in their skills that the awards had encouraged in her students.

“Before the awards I was limited to resources, now that I have the award, I’m able to branch out and explore more of my talents” Riley, student at St Mary’s College Wellington and past recipient of a Gifted Learner Award to support her gift in dance. 

Be creative when thinking about extending your curious mind. Do you have a project in mind or a hypothesis you want to test?

Applications close on Tuesday 31 August 2021.




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