Action Plan for Pacific Education: Progress Report 2020-2022 released
Today, we released the first progress report for the Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020-2022.
The findings are validated by a measurement framework that was developed to assess progress on the Action Plan for Pacific Education’s five key shifts and includes indicators with baseline data to support ongoing monitoring and future reporting across the lifespan of the Action Plan.
These insights and findings have been collated in the Action Plan for Pacific Education: Progress Report 2020-2022. This first report will be of interest to Pacific learners and their families, researchers, policy and education practitioners, schools and communities, and anyone wanting to learn more about:
- the actions that have been delivered from the 2020 Action Plan
- the experiences that Pacific people have with the education system
- the impact that the Action Plan for Pacific Education has had in improving education outcomes for Pacific learners, and their families and communities, and
- the data that supports our understanding of these.
Read more about the Progress Report on 2020 Action Plan for Pacific Education.
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