Licensing criteria for kōhanga reo
Kōhanga reo run a total immersion te reo Māori whānau (family) programme for mokopuna (young children) from birth to six years of age to be raised within its whānau Māori, where the language of communication will be Māori.
The operation and decision making of each kōhanga reo are the responsibility of the whole whānau within the guidelines set down by Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board. The trust and the kōhanga reo whānau administer the kaupapa to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the mokopuna and the whānau and to ensure the survival of te reo Māori.
Kōhanga reo are currently chartered to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust and licensed by the Ministry of Education under the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008.
Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008(external link)
The Ministry does not provide guidance for the kōhanga reo licensing criteria. Guidance is available upon request directly from Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust.
Contact us – Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust(external link)
A copy of the criteria can be downloaded from the right-hand column.
The licensing criteria were last updated in September 2022.
Ngā mahi Hauora, Ngā mahi Whakahaumaru | Health and safety
46 Health and safety practices standard: general
(1) The health and safety practices standard: general is the standard that requires every licensed service provider to whom this regulation applies to—
(a) take all reasonable steps to promote the good health and safety of children enrolled in the service; and
(b) take all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents and the spread of infection among children enrolled in the service; and
(c) take all reasonable steps to ensure that the premises, facilities, and other equipment on those premises are—
(i) kept in good repair; and
(ii) maintained regularly; and
(iii) used safely and kept free from hazards; and
(d) take all reasonable steps to ensure that appropriate procedures are in place to deal with fires, earthquakes, and other emergencies.
(2) Each licensed service provider to whom this regulation applies must comply with the health and safety practices standard: general.
What do the symbols next to the criteria in this section mean?
The criteria in this section are grouped together by topic. Each criterion has also been given a short, descriptive title. These titles are provided only to help you navigate around more easily on the website - they do not form part of the criteria themselves.
In this section
- Hygiene - Criteria and guidance for HS1-HS3
- Emergencies - Criteria and guidance for HS4-HS8
- Sleep - Criteria and guidance for HS9-HS11
- Hazards and outings - Criteria and guidance for HS12-HS18
- Food and drink - Criteria and guidance for HS19-HS23
- Child health and wellbeing - Criteria and guidance for HS24-HS30
- Child protection - Criteria and guidance for HS31-HS33
- Notification - Criteria for HS34