Review of third-party material
The Ministry does not, as a matter of policy, review material produced by organisations (i.e. third party) for use by early learning providers. It is the responsibility of the organisation producing the material for use in the early learning sector to ensure that it reflects the required practice standards. We will from time to time review this material in the course of its regulatory functions, e.g. licensing and reviews of early learning providers. If, as a result of reviewing material, we become aware of an inconsistency between the third-party material and expected practice, we will advise the provider and organisation producing the material of the inconsistency. It is the responsibility of the organisation producing the material to ensure it is updated to reflect the required practice standard.
Our role is to ensure that all sector people have equitable access to information and requirements. We do this by ensuring that our website is regularly updated, and we inform the sector about any changes in the Early Learning Bulletin He Pānui Kōhungahunga.
Early Learning Bulletin He Pānui Kōhungahunga(external link)
Anyone can sign up to receive the Early Learning Bulletin to be informed about changes to requirements, but we will not undertake a review of any policy or procedure developed by parties other than as part of our normal regulatory processes, such as applying for a licence or reviewing a licence to operate an early learning service.
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