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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Who is covered by the collective agreement

Secondary teachers covered by the agreements are:

  • employed in state or state-integrated schools and kura
  • members of the secondary teachers’ union, the New Zealand Post Primary Teachers’ Association Te Wehengarua (PPTA).

Download the Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement (STCA).

pdf thumbnailSecondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement

Who is covered by an individual employment agreement

Individual employment agreements (IEAs) are developed and published by us. The terms and conditions are similar to the collective agreement.

You need to sign an IEA if:

  • your work is covered by the STCA, but
  • you're not a member of the PPTA.

See each type of IEA for secondary teachers.

pdf thumbnailSecondary school teachers' IEA
pdf thumbnailLong-term (reliever) secondary teacher IEA
pdf thumbnailShort-term (reliever) secondary teacher IEA

Special employment conditions

Te Kura teachers have special employment conditions and allowances. These are in part 11 of the collective agreement.

Pay and allowances

The amount you can be paid as a teacher depends on your qualifications, experience and whether you qualify for any units or allowances.

Pay, allowances and classroom release time for secondary school teachers are set out in part 4 of the collective agreement.

Recruitment, retention and responsibility (3R) allowance

Your school board can pay you a 3R allowance of up to $4,000 per year. It is paid permanently or for a fixed term. The board must consult with teaching staff about the allocation of the 3R payment.

Staffing incentive and priority teacher supply allowances

The allowances applies to teachers employed in schools or kura identified by us as needing additional support for recruitment and retention. Eligible schools may be changed by us up to once a year, after consultation with employee representatives. 

For more information, contact us. 
Email: [email protected]

See the lists of eligible schools.

pdf thumbnailStaffing incentive allowance - eligible schools
pdf thumbnailPriority teacher supply allowance - eligible secondary schools

Hours of work

Hours of work, including when school is closed and non-contact time, are set out in part 5 of the collective agreement.

More information

EdPay has more information about salaries, allowances and other payments for secondary teachers.

A-Z of payroll – Education Payroll

Moving costs

If you are moving to work at another school, you may be entitled to removal expenses. This is in part 8 of the collective agreement.

To apply for a lump sum payment or reimbursement of other expenses, complete the following forms.

xls thumbnailTransfer and removal expenses form
xls thumbnailAccommodation and property expenses claim form


Leave entitlements are set out in part 6 of the collective agreement.

Resignation, dismissal and retirement

Both you and your school must follow the correct processes and procedures to manage your resignation, dismissal or retirement.

This is set out in part 3 of the collective agreement.

Medical retirement is covered in part 3 and appendix B of the agreement. To apply for medical retirement, fill in the below form.

docx thumbnailMedical retirement for serious illness - application form

Changes to the Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement

  • Education professionals