Support Staff in Schools' Collective Agreement
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Part 3A Teacher Aide Remuneration
Support Staff in Schools' Collective Agreement
Effective 20 June 2022 to 19 December 2024
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3A.1 Application
3A 1.1 This Part 3A applies to employees who routinely undertake work described in the Teacher Aide Work Matrix Table set out in clause 3A.3.3 whether designated as a Teacher Aide or not.
3A 1.2 The following clauses from Part 3 do NOT apply to employees to whom Part 3A applies: clause 3.2; clause 3.3; clause 3.4; clause 3.5; clause 3.6; clause 3.7; clause 3.8.
3A.2 Teacher Aide pay equity
3A.2.1 The work of employees who routinely undertake work set out in the Teacher Aide Work Matrix Table, whether designated as a Teacher Aide or not, is covered by a pay equity claim settlement.
3A.2.2 The pay equity claim settlement agreed between the parties to resolve the pay equity claim was recorded in a Settlement Agreement which is incorporated as Part 14 to this Collective Agreement and forms part of the terms of this Collective Agreement.
3A.2.3 The parties agree that the process undertaken and the information collated to assess and resolve the pay equity claim was suitable and sufficient for the parties to reach agreement on the claim.
3A.2.4 The parties agree that this Agreement is in full and final resolution of the Claim. The agreement reached reflects the parties view that it achieves pay equity and that there is no differentiation between male and female employees in the manner set out in section 2AAC of the Equal Pay Act 1972. Nor will any claim be made by either NZEI Te Riu Roa nor any employee covered by this agreement that any remuneration paid to any teacher aide is subject to any differentiation or undervaluation based on sex.
3A.2.5 No claim will be brought by any teacher aide covered by this agreement against either the Public Service Commissioner or the Secretary or a school board seeking back pay for any period prior to 12 February 2020.
3A.3 Teacher Aide Work Matrix Table
3A.3.1 The parties have agreed on a Teacher Aide Work Matrix Table for employees who, however designated or described, routinely undertake the work described in that table. The Work Matrix Table sets out the most common skills, responsibilities and demands that apply to teacher aides working within Grade A, Grade B, Grade C or Grade D. The Work Matrix Table will apply from 12 February 2020.
3A.3.2 The employer will need to assess the regular and ongoing skills/demands/responsibilities of each teacher aide role so that the grade recognises the highest level skills/demands/responsibilities that are required for competent performance of the role. An employer will need to consider what makes up the majority of the role, and not things that are a one-off or isolated event. Teacher Aides do not have to do every activity in a grade in order to be placed in a particular grade.
3A.3.3 Teacher Aide Work Matrix Table
General support Additional support Te Ao Māori Grade A Follows structured programmes, lesson plans and activities
- Works with students under teacher supervision on a set variety of standardised and specified tasks e.g. Early Words, SRA reading programme.
- Assists students to stay on task.
- Monitors and observes students and acts to build trusting relationships with students and colleagues.
- Responsible for own work under regular supervision although may show others how to perform tasks as part of their orientation.
- Collaborates with others in their team.
- Prepares resources required by the class e.g. photocopying, laminating, paint preparation.
- Respects and accommodates language, heritage and cultures in a multi-cultural environment.
Supports learner's well-being, health and safety
- Primary responsibility of the role is the health and safety of a student/s and may perform simple tasks related to feeding, personal hygiene and/or monitoring and observing these students inside or outside the classroom.
- Requires some familiarity and ability to function on an informal basis in a Māori cultural context AND/OR
- Respects, accommodates and has some basic knowledge of Māori language/pronunciation, culture, beliefs, values and heritage and an interest and commitment to further develop their reo.
Core skills will include: listening, patience, empathy, encouraging and resilience. General support Additional support Te Ao Māori Grade B Follows structured programmes but can make minor adaption and creates activities
- Works with individual students and small groups delivering a range of subjects and topics OR works more in depth in a single or limited range of subjects.
- Will make minor adaptions to lesson plans and resources to ensure learning objectives are achieved and in response to individual student needs.
- Designs activities to supplement programmes.
- Supports inclusion in school and amongst peers and takes appropriate action to support students’ wellbeing.
- Has more day to day independence although will have regular conversations with colleagues.
- Has occasional supervisory responsibility for other employees, parent help or volunteers.
- Uses a language other than English in daily conversations to provide assistance or respond to needs.
- Uses multi-cultural knowledge to guide students and colleagues or develop rapport.
Directly supports students with specific health, behavioural and/or other needs
- Provides direct support for specific health, behavioural and/or other needs of student/s in order to enhance the student’s ability to integrate, improve, be independent and participate more fully in the school
- Implements behavioural, physiotherapy, and/or occupational therapy programmes as
prescribed by specialists. - Responsible for a range of physical care and will be required to ensure the students’
dignity is maintained. - Precision in providing care and safe handling is required.
- If responsible for behavioural needs students, must be constantly monitoring for escalating behaviours and diffuse these situations.
Supporting, guiding reo and tikanga
- Adapts and prepares te reo Māori resources and activities to support programmes.
- Uses te reo Māori in daily conversations to provide assistance or respond to needs.
- Supports teachers by guiding students and colleagues in tikanga on marae and during pōwhiri
- Participates in activities that encourage kaitiakitanga.
- Supports and encourages the use of te reo in the classroom.
Additional skills at this level may include: active listening, calmness, tact. General support Additional support Te Ao Māori Grade C Independently delivers ongoing programmes with ability to adapt as required
- Has a high level of day to day independence which includes planning tasks and activities and clear accountability for delivering specific programmes to agreed standards.
- Will involve tailoring, testing, adapting and creating individual plans and resources within the programme.
- Provides regular provision of coaching and mentoring, guidance and training to other employees.
- Will identify and take action to understand the causes of students’ emotional states and provide appropriate support or alert others where escalation is required.
- Provides cultural leadership which requires specific language skills, knowledge and expertise. Translates resources and materials into languages other than English
- Provides translation support for students.
Supports students with complex health, behavioural and/or other needs
- Specific expertise requiring active intervention to support students with additional needs. These needs include some or all of medical, behavioural, academic, pastoral and personal care. Skills may include learned physiotherapy techniques, proficiency in braille, sign, Makaton, and medical support e.g. mic-key.
- If responsible for behavioural needs students, must be constantly vigilant for escalating behaviours and defuses difficult situations which may pose risks to themselves or others e.g.: deescalating to avoid the need for restraint.
- Supports a student’s wellbeing by engaging with family to address identified pastoral issues and enhance the student’s ability to attend school and/or participate. This would include assisting new migrants with their transition into Aotearoa New Zealand culture and environment.
Speaks and role models te reo
- Delivers te reo Māori programmes including adapting and preparing resources and activities.
- Translates resources and learning materials into te reo Māori.
- Speaks te reo Māori when representing the school in the community.
- Coordinates and delivers kapa haka and/or other Māori arts programmes.
- Uses knowledge of students’ background and whānau in order to make connections and provide appropriate support.
- Works with whānau and kaiako to support and encourage students’ learning.
- Provides leadership at cultural events.
Additional skills may include: ongoing mentoring, emotional engagement, de-escalating difficult situations, negotiation and/or persuasion. General support Additional support Te Ao Māori Grade D Creates, plans and delivers ongoing programmes requiring strong technical proficiency and skills
- Develops programmes, lesson plans and associated resources.
- Develops and organises or has a major collaboration role in a number of complex activities or programmes requiring the development and approval of longer term plans.
- The role de-escalates emotionally charged situations and overcomes significant barriers to learning by employing a wide range of techniques and competencies over time.
- The role has permanent supervision of other Teacher Aides or support staff.
- Requires immersion in at least two cultures and provides leadership across cultural boundaries.
Provides highly specialised support for students with complex health, behavioural and/or other needs
- Highly specialised skills are required to provide services to students with highly complex needs.
- In-depth understanding of the students’ conditions and capabilities involves the independent or shared responsibility to amend, adjust or modify the level and type of support in response to progress or change.
- Formulates programmes for student/s.
- Leads crisis management interventions.
- The role de-escalates extreme emotionally charged situations and overcomes significant barriers to learning by employing a wide range of techniques and competencies over time.
- If working with behavioural students will need to be aware and respond to unpredictable behaviours where there are significant risks of harm to the student or others.
- Provides pastoral support, services or cultural liaison to student families on the school’s behalf, to enable them to engage with education, integrate into the community and/or access appropriate community assistance.
A strong leader and advocate for te reo Māori in the kura and community
- Plans, coordinates develops and delivers learning programmes to support students’ achievement in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
- Teaches subjects from Marau ā-kura in the national or local curriculum.
- Provides expert advice and guidance to teachers on te reo Māori, tikanga and/or how best to work with Māori students.
- Supports Kaiako and works with whānau to address serious issues of physical, emotional and/or mental wellbeing of students.
- The role requires a high level of fluency and good tikanga to apply a broad application of te reo Māori skills, customary concepts and traditions together with the ability to function effectively in Māori culture.
- Provides leadership in the school and/or community.
Additional skills at this level may include: de-escalating extreme emotionally charged situations, complex planning, leadership.
3A.4 Teacher Aide Pay Rates
3A.4.1 The following pay rates will apply to all employees who routinely undertake work described in the Teacher Aide Work Matrix Table, whether designated as a Teacher Aide or not. The new pay rates will apply from 12 February 2020.
3A.4.2 Employers may treat the stated rates as minimum rates of pay and can agree a pay rate above the maximum of the rate for each Grade specified in this table.
3A.4.3 Teacher Aide Pay Rates
Grade & step Hourly Rates
2 June 2022Hourly Rates
1 December 2022Hourly Rates
2 June 2023New Steps
as agreed in
June 2022
settlementHourly Rates
1 December 2023A1 $22.75 $23.76 $23.76 A1 $25.18 A2 $23.21 $24.22 $24.22 A3 $23.67 $24.68 $24.68 A2 $25.64 B-C 1 $24.62 $25.63 $25.63 B-C 1 $26.59 B-C 2 $25.37 $26.38 $26.38 B-C 2 $27.34 B-C 3 $26.13 $27.14 $27.14 B-C 3 $28.10 B-C 4 $26.88 $27.89 $27.89 B-C 4 $28.85 B-C 5 $27.63 $28.64 $28.64 B-C 5 $29.60 B-C 6 $28.25 $29.26 $29.26 B-C 6 $30.22 B-C 7 $29.00 $30.01 $30.01 B-C 7 $30.97 B-C 8 $29.75 $30.76 $30.76 B-C 8 $31.72 B-C 9 $30.50 $31.51 $31.51 B-C 9 $32.47 B-C 10 $31.25 $32.26 $32.26 B-C 10 $33.23 D1 $31.25 $32.26 $32.26 D1 $33.23 D2 $32.33 $33.34 $33.34 D2 $34.34 D3 $33.40 $34.41 $34.41 D3 $35.45 D4 $34.48 $35.49 $35.49 D4 $36.56 D5 $35.05 $36.06 $36.06 D5 $37.14 D6 $36.63 $37.64 $37.64 D6 $38.77 Note: Steps 1 and 2 are merged effective 1 December 2023.
i. An employee is paid either an hourly rate or an annual salary.
ii. To find the indicative annual salary rate for a 40 hour/week, 52 week/year employee, the hourly rate will be multiplied by 2,080.
iii. To find the indicative annual salary rate for a 37.5 hour/week 52 week/year employee, the hourly rate will be multiplied by 1,950.
iv. The minimum step for a teacher aide who is placed in Work Matrix A is step A1.
v. The minimum step for a teacher aide who is placed in Work Matrix B is step B-C1.
vi. The minimum step for a teacher aide who is placed in Work Matrix C is step B-C6.
vii. The minimum step for a teacher aide who is placed in Work matrix D is step D1.
3A.5 Job Descriptions
3A.5.1 Where a job description and/or written requirements for an existing position do not exist, the current employee will be consulted in determining a job description.
3A.5.2 The job description and/or written requirements for the role may be reviewed by the employer and teacher aide and may be updated as required by the employer following consultation with the teacher aide.
3A.5.3 Substantial changes to the job description and / or written requirements for the position may not be made until after the employer has consulted the teacher aide and endeavoured to reach agreement.
3A.6 Placement on Appointment for Teacher Aides
3A.6.1 The employer will determine job descriptions and / or other written requirements and the applicable Work Matrix Grade for all positions as part of the recruitment process.
3A.6.2 Upon appointment, each teacher aide role must be placed in a Work Matrix Grade (A, B, C, or D) using the Work Matrix Table set out in clause 3A.3.3.
3A.6.3 The Work Matrix Grade of each role will be determined by identifying one or more of the highest level skills / demands / responsibilities, as set out in the Work Matrix Table in clause 3A.3.3, required for the competent performance of the role. The skills / demands / responsibilities must be a routine and ongoing part of the role; isolated or one-off demands must not be included. The employer should do this using the joint NZSTA / NZEI Te Riu Roa / Ministry of Education guidance provided for this purpose.
3A.6.4 A teacher aide employed for two or more distinct positions, must be placed in the appropriate Work Matrix Grade for each position.
3A.6.5 A teacher aide’s pay rate can be at any point within the minimum and maximum rates of the applicable Work Matrix Grade as set out in the Teacher Aide Work Matrix Table in clause 3A.3.3. In determining the applicable pay rate the employer should also consider any particular skills and qualifications held by the teacher aide as well as any previous relevant paid or unpaid work experience.
3A.6.6 Where a teacher aide has previously been employed as a teacher aide under a Support Staff in Schools’ Collective Agreement, and the break in employment (including between employers) has been less than 12 months, based on information about their previous employment provided to the employer by the teacher aide, placement on appointment must take account of their previous service as follows:
- Where the skills / demands / responsibilities of the new role is within the same Work Matrix Grade as the previous role, the starting step should be at least the step they last held.
- The employer should also consider any particular skills and qualifications held, as well as any previous relevant paid or unpaid work experience undertaken by the teacher aide since they were last employed.
3A.7 Progression within the Work Matrix Grades for Teacher Aides
3A.7.1 Progression through steps within the minimum and maximum rates that apply to each Work Matrix Grade will occur on a teacher aide’s anniversary date each year, unless the employer considers that the teacher aide has failed to meet standards of performance as assessed by the employer against the job description or written requirements for the position, and has informed the teacher aide of this in writing no later than two months prior to the progression becoming due.
3A.7.2 Notwithstanding clause 3A.7.1 above, from 17 October 2022 teacher aides who on their anniversary date have been on the maximum step of Work Matrix Grade B-C step 5 for at least 12 months, will progress to step 6, unless the employer considers the teacher aide’s role remains solely within Work Matrix Grade B, and has informed the teacher aide of this decision in writing no later than two months prior to the progression becoming due, together with the reasons for that decision.
3A.7.3 A teacher aide, who has the right to representation at any stage, may request their employer reconsider their salary progression.