Kaiārahi i te Reo and Therapists' Collective Agreement
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Email: employment.relations@education.govt.nz
Part 3: Remuneration
Kaiārahi i te Reo and Therapists' Collective Agreement
Effective 20 June 2022 to 19 December 2024
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3.1 Kaiārahi i te Reo
3.1.1 This Part 3.1 applies to employees who routinely undertake work described in the Kaiārahi i te Reo Work Matrix Table set out in clause below whether designated as a Kaiārahi i te Reo or not.
3.1.2 Work Matrix Table The core role of Kaiārahi i te Reo will be delivered through a range of the following responsibilities:
- Identifying whakapapa (genealogical) links for students.
- Holding relationships with Māori communities and/or external agencies.
- Acting as a conduit for information between the school and whānau.
- Assisting colleagues to develop their skills in te reo and/or te ao Māori.
- Identifying opportunities for Māori students and their whanau to engage in their cultural identity.
- Introducing programmes to increase te reo capability and/or pronunciation.
- Determining student capability in te reo Māori.
- Determining whānau capability in te reo and/or connection to their cultural identity.
- Assisting Teachers in planning and delivering classes.
- Explaining Māori concepts.
- Normalising use of tikanga and kawa.
- Providing mana whenua knowledge, including appropriate mita (local dialect).
- Planning activities to celebrate significant Māori events.
- Conducting karanga, whaikōrero and karakia for pōwhiri. The following Kaiārahi i te Reo Work Matrix Table applies to employees who, however designated or described, routinely undertake the work described in that table. The Kaiārahi i te Reo Work Matrix Table sets out the most common skills, responsibilities and demands that apply to Kaiārahi i te Reo working within Grades 1 and 2. The Kaiārahi i te Reo Work Matrix Table will apply from 20 August 2021.
Work Matrix Grade Whakamana Tangata
Uphold the dignity of peopleWhakarauora Te Reo me ona Matauranga
Maori Revitalise Maori language and knowledgeWhakararau, Whakarahi Te Ao Maori
Embed and amplify a Maori WorldviewGrade 1
Adapts programmes and supports colleagues- Provides pastoral care for students and/or whānau.
- Implements programmes for whānau to engage in their cultural identity.
- Provides professional development for staff.
- Works with external agencies/ Māori communities to improve outcomes for students.
- Translates resources and materials into either Te Reo or English.
- Adapts programmes or lesson plans to suit Māori bilingual and immersion classes.
- Plans and delivers Toi Māori programmes such as raranga or kapa haka.
- Plans and delivers Te Reo Māori and Mātauranga programmes.
- Uses Mātauranga Māori and/or Māori pedagogical approaches to achieve learning outcomes.
- Implements learning programmes and/or lesson plans.
- Adapts tikanga to fit the context of the school environment.
- Uses appropriate cultural practice to ensure proper care for taonga.
- Leads cultural events such as noho marae.
Grade 2
Creates, leads and advises- Creates professional development programmes for staff.
- Works with external agencies/ local Māori communities to effect organisational outcomes that benefit Māori.
- Creates learning programmes and/or lesson plans.
- Creates tools and/or resources in te reo Māori.
- Adapts curriculum to reflect Mātauranga Māori.
- Advises School Leaders on Mātauranga Māori or Māori Pedagogical approaches.
- Develops processes or guidelines to embed tikanga and/or kawa.
- Creates physical and intellectual taonga for kura including waiata composition.
3.1.3 Kaiārahi i te Reo pay rates The following minimum pay rates will apply to all employees who routinely undertake work described in the Kaiārahi i te Reo Work Matrix Table, whether designated as a Kaiārahi i te Reo or not. The new pay rates will apply from 20 August 2021. Employers may agree a pay rate above the stated rate for each Grade specified in the pay rate table. Kaiārahi i te Reo Pay Rates:
Grade Step Hourly Rates
20 August 2021Hourly Rates
1 December 2022Hourly Rates
1 December 20231 1 $37.56 $39.48 $40.67 2 $38.50 $40.42 $41.64 3 $39.44 $41.36 $42.60 4 $40.37 $42.29 $43.56 5 $41.31 $43.23 $44.53 6 $42.25 $44.17 $45.50 2 1 $43.19 $45.11 $46.47 2 $44.13 $46.05 $47.43 3 $45.07 $46.99 $48.40 4 $46.01 $47.93 $49.37 5 $46.94 $48.86 $50.33 Notes:
i. To calculate an indicative annual rate for a 40 hour/week, 52 week/year employee, the hourly rate will be multiplied by 2,080.
ii. The minimum step for an employee placed in either Work Matrix Grade is step 1 of that Grade. Kaiārahi i te Reo employed to relieve for another Kaiārahi i te Reo or employed for a fixed-term position will be paid at the appropriate rate specified in the table above. On 2 June 2023, the pay rates in the table above will increase by 1.5%. Shared positions - Employees who are in shared positions shall be paid on a proportion of the salary rate that they would have been paid had they been employed full-time, excluding any allowances to which they would otherwise have been entitled.
3.1.4 Translation to new Kaiārahi i te Reo pay rates Kaiārahi i te Reo who were employed under this Agreement on or after 20 August 2021 will translate to the applicable pay equity rate based on the step they held from 20 August 2021, as set out in the table below:
Current Step Current Hourly Rate Pay Equity Grade Pay Equity Step Pay Equity Hourly Rate 1 $21.78 1 2 $38.50 2 $21.97 1 3 $39.44 3 $22.54 1 4 $40.37 4 $23.03 1 5 $41.31 5 $23.59 1 6 $42.25 6 $24.11 2 2 $44.13 7 $25.79 2 3 $45.07 8 $25.79 2 4 $46.01 Kaiārahi i te Reo whose pay rate upon translation exceeds the applicable Work Matrix maximum pay rate will retain that higher rate. This translation is additional to, not a replacement for, annual progression under clause 3.1.6 below.
3.1.5 Placement on appointment The employer will determine job descriptions and / or other written requirements and the applicable Work Matrix Grade for all positions as part of the recruitment process. Upon appointment as a Kaiārahi i te Reo, the employee’s role must be placed in a Work Matrix Grade using the Kaiārahi i te Reo Work Matrix Table set out in clause The Work Matrix Grade of each role will be determined by identifying one or more of the highest level skills / demands / responsibilities, as set out in the Kaiārahi i te Reo Work Matrix Table in clause, required for the competent performance of the role. The skills / demands / responsibilities must be a routine and ongoing part of the role; isolated or one-off demands must not be included. The employer should do this using the joint NZSTA / NZEI Te Riu Roa / Ministry of Education guidance provided for this purpose. A Kaiārahi i te Reo employed for two or more distinct positions, must be placed in the appropriate Work Matrix Grade for each position. The pay rate can be at any step within the minimum and maximum rates of the applicable Work Matrix Grade. In determining the applicable pay rate, the employer should also consider any particular skills and qualifications held by the Kaiārahi i te Reo as well as any previous relevant paid or unpaid work experience, the level of responsibility required for the position, the level of te reo Māori and understanding of ngā tikanga Māori required for the position, and the ease or difficulty in recruiting and / or retaining the specific skills and / or experience required for the position. Where an employee has previously been employed as a Kaiārahi i te Reo, and the break in employment (including between employers) has been less than 12 months then the following applies:
Based on information about their previous employment provided by the employee, placement on appointment must take into account their previous service as follows:
- Where the skills / demands / responsibilities of the new role is within the same Work Matrix Grade as the previous role, the starting step should be at least the step they last held.
- The employer should also consider any particular skills and qualifications held, as well as any previous relevant paid or unpaid work experience undertaken by the employee since they were last employed.
3.1.6 Progression within the Work Matrix grades Subject to clause below, from 20 August 2021, progression through the steps included within each grade will be on an annual basis, either on the employee’s anniversary date or, where no anniversary date is established, 12 calendar months from the effective date of the pay equity rate and annually thereafter until the employee reaches the maximum step of their grade. Progression does not occur beyond the top step of their grade. Progression is subject to the employee meeting or exceeding standards of performance as assessed by the employer against the job description and/or written requirements for the position. Progression will occur unless the employer considers this requirement has not been met and has informed the employee in writing no later than two months prior to the progression becoming due. An employee, who has the right to representation at any stage, may request their employer reconsider their salary progression.
3.1.7 Movement between grades Movement between grades may occur in one of the following ways:
- by appointment to a new position that has a different grade; or
- by re-grading of a position where the requirements of the position have altered substantially. An employer will consider the Kaiārahi i te Reo Work Matrix Table set out in clause as criteria for movement between grades. Where a change of grade occurs, the annual rate the employee is paid in the new grade must be no less than the rate they were previously paid.
3.1.8 Overtime For employees to whom this Part 3.1 applies, all time required by the employer to be worked in excess of 40 working hours per week or 8 hours per day or outside of Monday to Friday inclusive is deemed to be overtime. The rate of payment for overtime will be time and a half or alternatively, by mutual agreement, time off in lieu may be taken.
3.1.9 Pay equity review The remuneration of employees who routinely undertake work described in the Kaiārahi i te Reo Work Matrix Table set out in clause will be reviewed periodically to ensure that pay equity is maintained. These reviews will be aligned with the collective bargaining round. The parties agree to consider a range of available information as part of any review, including but not limited to, trends in changes to the Labour Cost Index, Consumer Price Index, and Treasury analysis of labour movements, as well as trends in changes to the remuneration of the comparator workforces used to assess the Kaiārahi i te Reo Pay Equity Claim.
3.2 Therapists
This Part 3.2 applies to professional therapists who work as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and music therapists. Therapists apply the scope of their professional practice as set by the applicable regulatory body. Therapists are registered, or eligible for registration, or eligible for membership of, and according to the relevant regulatory body.
Therapists are employed by school boards in state and state integrated schools to support ākonga, and tamariki who have an identified need for therapy due to their developmental or disability needs. Ākonga and tamariki may require therapy due to difficulties with communication, cognitive development, and/or the function or movement of the body.
Therapists lead or contribute to the assessment, design, and delivery of therapy or other therapeutic services for tamariki, individuals and/or groups of ākonga to enable them to access the curricula, and to participate and achieve at schools and in society. In some cases, therapy is provided in the home or wider community. Therapists may provide professional advice and training to whānau, caregivers, colleagues, and education provider staff members. They also provide support with assistive equipment or technology, learning environment modifications, and students’ transitions between or out of education settings.
Therapists not described by the above should refer to Annexe 2: Grandparented therapists’ pay scale
3.2.1 Therapists' pay rates Below is the table outlining the minimum annual rates payable for Therapists:
Step Annual Rates
2 June 2022Annual Rates
1 December 2022Step Annual Rates
25 May 2023Annual Rates
1 December 20231 $53,633 $55,633 1 $71,848 $75,800 2 $56,484 $58,484 2 $76,013 $78,613 3 $59,270 $61,270 3 $80,178 $82,796 4 $62,085 $64,085 4 $84,342 $86,975 5 $65,048 $67,048 5 $88,507 $91,162 6 $67,899 $69,899 6 $92,672 $95,453 7 $70,724 $72,724 7 $96,837 $99,743 8 $73,732 $75,732 8 $101,001 $104,032 9 $76,582 $78,582 9 $105,166 $108,321 10 $79,452 $81,452 10 $109,166 $112,442 11 $82,962 $84,962 12 $86,233 $88,233 3.2.2 Translation to new Therapists pay rates Therapists covered by Part 3.2 and were employed on or after 25 May 2023 will translate to the applicable pay equity rate based on the step they held from 25 May 2023, as wet out in the table below:
Step Annual Rates
1 December 2022Annual Rates
2 June 2023Step Annual Rates
1 December 2023Step Pay equity annual rates
25 May 20231 $55,633 $55,633 1 $60,484 1 $71,848 2 $58,484 $58,484 2 $76,013 3 $61,270 $61,270 2 $63,270 3 $80,178 4 $64,085 $64,085 3 $66,085 4 $84,342 5 $67,048 $67,048 4 $69,059 5 $88,507 6 $69,899 $69,899 5 $71,996 6 $92,672 7 $72,724 $72,724 6 $74,906 7 $96,837 8 $75,732 $75,732 7 $78,004 8 $10,001 9 $78,582 $78,582 8 $80,939 9 $105,166 10 $81,452 $81,452 9 $83,896 10 $109,166 11 $84,962 $84,962 10 $87,511 12 $88,233 $88,233 11 $90,880 Note: This table will be removed in subsequent collective agreements.
3.2.3 Progression Incremental progress on the pay scale shall be on an annual basis unless the employer considers that the employee has failed to meet standards of performance as assessed by the employer against the job description or written requirements for the position and has informed the employee of this in writing no later than two months prior to the progression due date. Any employee paid in excess of a printed rate at the time of settlement of the shall retain that rate until it is exceeded by progression from which point progression as per clause will apply. A board may pay a rate above the maximum rate of the therapists pay scale at their discretion from their own funding.
3.2.4 A therapist (either full-time or part-time) who retained their hours of work based on a 30 hour week as per 2.6.2 of this agreement shall retain that salary, until through incremental movement that salary would be less than 0.8 of the new rate on the current scale, before an increase would apply.
3.2.5 Salary on Appointment A therapist shall, upon initial appointment, be placed on a step in the salary scale in accordance with their relevant academic or professional qualification(s) and recognised previous relevant service. As a guide, a therapist who has a relevant academic or professional qualification(s) but who has no recognised previous relevant service should be placed in the salary scale according to the following:
Relevant Academic or Professional Qualification(s) and entry steps
- A three year (360 credit) Bachelor Degree - step 1
- A four year (480 credit) Bachelor Degree - step 1
- A three-year (360 credit) Bachelor Degree plus a one-year (120 credit) Graduate (level 7) Diploma - step 1
- A Bachelor Degree plus a one-year (120 credit) Post-Graduate (level 8) Diploma - step 2
- A Masters Degree - step 3
- A Masters Degree plus a one – year (120 credit) Post – Graduate (level 8 or higher) Diploma - step 4 A therapist who, in addition to their relevant academic or professional qualification(s), has recognised previous relevant service shall be credited with a further step in the scale for each completed full-time year of recognized previous relevant service up to step 8 (step 7 from 2 June 2023). Recognised previous relevant part-time service shall be credited on a pro-rata basis. For the purposes of this provision:
- Recognised previous relevant service shall include service in New Zealand as an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist.
- Recognised previous relevant service may also include other service relevant to the employee’s position.
- Less than full credit may be given on appointment for other related, but not directly relevant, experience.
3.2.6 Reimbursement of professional fees Where a therapist is required by law or by their employer to hold an annual practicing certificate and / or membership of a professional body relating to their employment as a therapist, the cost of that annual practicing certificate and / or professional body membership will be reimbursed by the employer upon provision of a receipt and completion of any necessary reimbursement form. Clause applies to payments made for annual practicing certificates and / or professional body memberships from 13 March 2024.
3.2.7 Pay equity review As required by section 13ZH(3)(viii) of the Equal Pay Act 1972, the parties have agreed a process for reviewing the remuneration of therapists covered by the therapists pay equity claim settlement to ensure pay equity is maintained. Ensuring pay equity is maintained involves reviewing remuneration to determine whether there is differentiation on the basis of sex as set out in s2AAC(b) of the Act present in the workforce and, if there is, taking steps to remove the differentiation. Reviews will apply to all employees in roles covered by the therapists pay equity claim settlement. The union agrees that the interests of all employees covered by that pay equity claim settlement will be advanced in the review process. The process for reviewing the remuneration to ensure pay equity is maintained will be:
- Reviews will align with the bargaining round of each relevant collective agreement (Field Staff Collective Agreement, the Kaiārahi i te Reo and Therapists’ Collective Agreement, and the Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement).
- However, if two or more relevant collective agreements are due to expire no more than 6 months apart, one review will be undertaken aligned with the collective bargaining round of the first expiring relevant collective agreement.
- The parties will meet six months prior to the expiry of each collective agreement (or if (b) applies, six months prior to the expiry date of the first expiring collective agreement) to commence the review.
- The parties will review and analyse any changes in the comparator remuneration that have occurred since the pay equity claim settlement and/or since the last review, as well as any other matters they consider relevant, such as changes to the Labour Cost Index and Consumer Price Index, and Treasury forecast of labour movement.
- The parties will jointly determine if there is differentiation on the basis of sex present in the workforce, and if there is, what is required to remove the differentiation and ensure that pay equity is maintained. This includes, but it is not limited to, the remuneration adjustment (if any) to ensure pay equity is maintained.
- The parties will formally record in writing what is required to ensure that pay equity is maintained. This completes the review.
- The parties will fully cooperate and will address all issues in a timely manner. If the parties disagree on what is required to maintain pay equity and/or as to whether an adjustment is required, or agree that an adjustment is required but do not agree as to the value of the adjustment, then the following process will occur:
- The parties will provide each other with proposed pay equity rate(s), along with an explanation as to what is proposed and why.
- The parties will meet promptly to attempt to reach agreement.
- In the event of no agreement, the parties agree to attend mediation in good faith using their best endeavours to resolve the outstanding matters between them. Should mediation not result in an agreement the parties may have recourse to any applicable processes provided by law to resolve their dispute. The parties will cooperate to ensure that all employees covered by the therapists pay equity claim settlement have the opportunity to be involved in the review process. This may include, to the extent permissible by law: facilitating communications, or sharing information with the union. This review process may be assessed and adjusted by agreement in writing between the parties from time to time.
3.3 Remuneration Review Process
3.3.1 Where an employee wishes to have their salary review reconsidered they shall refer the matter to the school board. The employee shall have the right to representation at any stage.
3.4 Part Time Employees
3.4.1 Except as provided under 3.2.4 the salary of a part-time employee shall be a proportion of the rate in the basic scale which would apply to that employee if the employee were employed full-time.
3.5 Direct Crediting of Salaries
3.5.1 Salaries shall be paid fortnightly by direct credit to the employee's nominated bank account.
3.6 Recognised Qualifications
3.6.1 Employees holding qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework that the employer, in discussion with the employee, agrees that the qualification is relevant to the employee’s job description and current position shall be paid an allowance as follows:
- Group One: level 4-5 qualifications and level 3 teacher aide qualifications - to a maximum of $625 per annum.
- Group Two: level 6 qualifications - to a maximum of $875 per annum.
- Group Three: level 7-8 qualifications - to a maximum of $1125 per annum.
- This includes those qualifications agreed to be an equivalent level by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and the Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga verified He Tohu Matauranga.
- The effective date for payment of the allowance in clause 3.6.1 recognising qualifications that have been agreed at an equivalent level by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (as per Note 1 above) is from the date the employee lodged an application with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
3.6.2 Salaried employees shall receive the appropriate allowance of $625, $875 or $1125 as the case may be in fortnightly instalments, pro-rated for part-time employees.
3.6.3 Only one allowance shall be paid for a qualification that the employer agrees is relevant to the employee’s position which shall be for the highest qualification held by the employee. Upon obtaining a higher recognised qualification that the employer agrees is relevant to the employee’s position and job description, the employee shall become eligible for the higher payment.
3.6.4 Anyone that was eligible for a qualification allowance up until 27 January 2012 as per provisions in the Kaiārahi i te Reo, Therapists', Assistants to Teachers of Students with Severe Disabilities and Special Education Assistants' Collective Agreement 27 January 2010 to 31 March 2011, will continue to be eligible for that allowance for as long as they remain employed by that employer in that position.
Note: A copy of the Recognised Qualifications provisions and the qualifications recognised under the provisions of Appendix A Kaiārahi i te Reo, Therapists’, Assistants to Teachers of Students with Severe Disabilities and Special Education Assistants’ Collective Agreement 27 January 2010 to 31 March 2011 can be found on the Ministry of Education website.