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Ministry of Education New Zealand

If you work at a school or kura, you must follow your child protection policy and other reporting requirements.

If there is risk of harm

If there is an urgent risk that a child will be harmed, contact the Police or Oranga Tamariki as soon as you can.

Police: 111

Oranga Tamariki freephone (NZ only): 0508 326 459

How to report suspected abuse or neglect

Anyone can report suspected abuse or neglect of a child or young person.

If you suspect abuse or neglect, you should tell someone. You must follow your school's child protection policy, which should be on the school website, or available on request.

If you are a registered teacher, your code of conduct requires you to report child abuse or neglect.

Our Code, Our Standards – Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand

Anyone should report concerns about possible abuse or neglect of a child or young person to Oranga Tamariki or the Police. You can also speak to them without making a notification. You can remain anonymous if needed.

Worried about a child? Tell us – Oranga Tamariki

I suspect a child is being abused. What should I do? – NZ Police

The Police and Oranga Tamariki will investigate your report and let you know if they need more information.

If the abuse or neglect is happening at a school, you should contact us so we can make sure the school is following the right processes to address the situation.

Regional offices

If the concern involves a teacher

If a concern involves a teacher or school staff member, the school board must suspend the person immediately while the concerns are investigated.

If the person is a registered teacher, the board must report this to the Teaching Council of Aotearoa. This is required under the Teaching Council Rules 2016.

Criteria for reporting serious misconduct – New Zealand Legislation

The Teaching Council has more information about what to do if you are worried about a teacher's conduct.

Reporting a concern – Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand

This should also immediately be reported to your regional office.

Contact us for support

Our regional office staff can support your school with any issues around reporting of child abuse or neglect, safety checking and child protection policies.

Regional offices

Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa (formerly New Zealand School Trustees Association) can also provide you with support to manage actual or suspected abuse or neglect, safety checking and child protection policies.

Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa

  • Education professionals