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Ministry of Education New Zealand

This information will help you understand your rights and obligations, and the rules around school donations.

Examples of donations and payments for schools and kura

XParents cannot be asked for a donation and do not have to pay.
$Parents must pay for this if they have agreed to purchase.
DParents can be asked for a donation but do not have to pay.


ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
Application feeOtherXX
Enrolment feeOtherXX
Out-of-zone ballot feeOtherXX


ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
Access to school networkCurriculumXD
Use of hardwareCurriculumXD
Contribution towards devices such as tablets, smartphones, netbooks, laptops, chromebooksCurriculumXD
Requiring students to provide software or pay for software licensesCurriculumXD
Requiring students to provide calculatorsCurriculumXD
Purchase of non-compulsory hardware or softwareGoods and services$$

Programs and courses

ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)CurriculumXD
Reading recovery and learning supportCurriculumXD
High school 'subject fees'CurriculumXD
Specialist units (for example, Montessori, Arrowsmith, Te Reo Māori, Samoan language)CurriculumXD
Supplementary programmes (for example, Mathletics, Education Perfect)CurriculumXD
STAR coursesCurriculumXD
Tertiary-level courses offered as part of the school programmeCurriculumXD
Tertiary course (dual enrolment at tertiary institution)Goods and services$$
Gifted Education programmesGoods and services$$

Resources and stationery

ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
Workbooks (compulsory)CurriculumXD
Workbooks (optional, when parents have agreed to purchase)Goods and services$$
Photocopying/printing as part of core education programme (curriculum use)CurriculumXD
Photocopying/printing (personal and not needed for core programme learning, extra-curricular use)Goods and services$$
Stationery (if parents decide to buy from school/kura stationery shop)Goods and services$$


ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
Swimming as part of general curriculum (at school/kura or off site)CurriculumXD
Swimming as voluntary activity (lunch time or after hours)Goods and services$$

Course materials

ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
Materials used as part of delivering core learning programme (curriculum)CurriculumXD
Take-home component where parents have agreed to purchase (for example, a letterbox, an item of clothing)Goods and services$$


ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
Tuition from itinerant teachers of musicN/AXX
Tuition (course-related, but not from itinerant teachers of music)CurriculumXD
Tuition (optional outside of general education programme, extra-curricular)Goods and services$$
Instrument hire (course delivery)CurriculumXD
Instrument hire (optional, extra-curricular)Goods and services$$

Optional activities

ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
Visiting drama or music groups (non-curriculum)Goods and services$$
Weekend sports teamsGoods and services$$
After-hours or lunchtime culture activitiesGoods and services$$
After-hours or lunchtime sports activitiesGoods and services$$
School sports teamsGoods and services$$
School ballGoods and services$$
Membership fees (for example, parent organisations, ex-student organisations)Goods and services$$
School magazineGoods and services$$


ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
School or kura uniform from a school or kura uniform shopGoods and services$$

Camps, trips and education outside the classroom

ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
Overnight camp as part of specific course (for example Year 12 Outdoor Education)CurriculumDD
Overnight geography field tripCurriculumDD
Trip/visit as part of general curriculumCurriculumXD
Charge/fee for an optional event (for example, weekend ski trip, extra-curricular)Goods and services$$
A forest hike as part of education outside the classroom (EOTC)CurriculumXD
Multi-day trampCurriculumDD
Overnight camp as part of general education programme (curriculum) (for example Year 9 orientation camp, Year 7 EOTC camp)CurriculumDD

Attendance dues for state-integrated schools and kura

ItemCategorySchool donation scheme
Attendance duesCompulsory$$

Operational costs

ItemCategorySchool donation schemeNot in school donation scheme
Heating, lighting, and waterOperationalXX
Soap, hand sanitiser, tissuesOperationalXX
  • Education professionals