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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Every school that receives ESOL funding has a status list that records who their current ESOL-funded learners are. Your status list is on the Secure Data Portal.

You need to update your status list to receive funding in the next round.

How to update your school's status list

Follow the instructions on the first sheet of the status list.

You must submit your school's most recent status list on each funding round due date. There are 2 funding rounds each year. These dates are:

  • 10 March
  • 1 August.

Adding new learners to your status list

You can add new English language learners who have started at your school since the last funding round. You will need to include information about the new student and their ELLP learning level. The 'Apply for ESOL funding' page has more advice about what information you need to collect for new learners.

Apply for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) funding

How to submit your status list to us

Submit the updated status list to the Secure Data Portal. Only upload your status list once per funding round.

Secure Data Portal


We can only accept Excel-formatted applications. PDFs or other file types will not be accepted.

After you have completed the application

We will let your school know the outcome of your ESOL funding application by email and upload a new status list of funded students on the Secure Data Portal. This happens approximately 5 weeks after applications close.

Ask your Secure Data Portal User for access to the new status list.

If your school did not receive funding in the most recent round

You will need to complete a new application in this case. The process is outlined here:

Apply for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) funding

  • Education professionals