Cyber Security and Digital Support for Kura and Schools programme

Digital technologies are a key enabler of education success for ākonga and learners. Where used well, they create unprecedented opportunities, enable collaboration and sharing of ideas, save time and resource, enable smoother transitions for ākonga and learners and help teachers, kura and schools, parents and whānau support their tamariki to succeed.

But there are risks that pose considerable threats to cyber safety, security, data privacy and operational resilience if not adequately managed.

Improving cyber security and data privacy in the education sector is a critical priority for the Ministry, particularly in the schooling sector. Kura and schools are largely responsible for managing their own digital environments, but their capacity and capability to do so is greatly variable and often less than is needed, particularly in the context of escalating risk.

In 2021, The Ministry provided advice to the Minister of Education on the cyber security risks and other digital challenges faced by kura and schools, and proposed the need for significant extra support.

We have subsequently established a Cyber Security and Digital Support for Kura and Schools programme, working closely with sector groups on projects aimed at creating safer, more resilient and effective online environments for education that support the achievement of ākonga and learners.

The table below details advice provided that relates to this work.




05 April 2022 Te Rito Programme Update [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1266679
08 Oct 2021 Strengthening cybersecurity and IT support in kura & schools [PDF, 1.8 MB] 1269453
30 July 2021 Cybersecurity in the Education Sector [PDF, 1.4 MB] 1267366
29 July 2021 Student Management System Vendor Market Options & Recommendations [PDF, 10 MB] 1266675
25 June 2021 Initial Advice on Cybersecurity in Schools and Kura [PDF, 6.2 MB] 1262630

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