- 0–6 years
- Running a service
- Rules for services
- Funding and data
- Funding handbooks
- 20 Hours ECE
- Service audits
- Financial declarations
- Equity funding
- Review of equity and targeted funding in early learning
- Home-based staff qualification changes
- Targeted Funding for Disadvantage
- Funding changes
- Privacy statement frequently asked questions
- Early learning information
- Waha Rumaki
- Pacific Immersion Teachers’ Allowance
- Learning and practice
- People and employment
- Child wellbeing and participation
- Hearing, vision and health problems
- Child protection
- Child Protection eLearning Resource
- Guidance on the use of nappy rash barrier preparations in ECE services
- Being SunSmart
- Staying calm with a crying baby
- Transport
- Increasing participation
- Services with out-of-school care
- Reasonable accommodation
- Non-enrolled children visiting licensed early childhood education and care centres
- Safe sleep
- How the Ministry works
- Forms
- EC1: Start a new service
- EC3 form: tool we use to assess services with regulatory requirements
- EC4: Temporary closure of a service
- EC8: Change your service details
- EC9: Change the identity of the service provider
- Form: Visiting teacher support payment
- Funding forms
- First aid form
- Emergency evacuation management plan
- Form: Sustainability fund
- 5–19 years
- Supporting students
- English for speakers of other languages
- Inclusive education
- Ministerial Youth Advisory Group
- Scholarships and competitions
- Secondary school exchanges
- Student wellbeing
- Students requiring learning support
- The education and disability legislation guiding our approach to learning support
- Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour Service
- School High Health Needs Fund
- Specialist Teacher Outreach Service
- The physical disability service
- Specialist schools
- Assistive technology
- Support for children who are blind or have low vision
- Supporting children who are Deaf and hard of hearing
- Learning and behaviour supports for schools and kaiako
- Te Kahu Tōī: Intensive Wraparound Service
- Supporting students with speech, language and communication needs
- Information for schools about teacher aide funding
- National transition guidelines for students with additional learning needs
- Entering into a specialist education agreement
- PB4L – Positive Behaviour for Learning
- Special assessment conditions
- Supporting children and young people with autism
- Where else can I get information?
- In-class support funding
- Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS)
- Supporting transitions
- International student visitors
- Te Mahau Advisory for Young People with Disabilities
- Out-of-hours music and art
- Managing students
- Keeping people healthy and safe
- Legislative overview
- Roles and responsibilities
- Worker participation
- Managing risks and hazards
- Property and equipment
- Injury and illness
- Health and wellbeing
- Induction, training and information
- Monitoring, reporting and assurance
- Emergencies and traumatic incidents
- Preparing for emergencies, traumatic incidents, evacuations and lockdowns
- Planning for an epidemic or pandemic event
- Responding after a crisis
- Responding to situations involving strong views and big emotions
- Civil defence emergency relief at schools
- Behaviour Crisis Response Service
- School Building Insurance Funding Programme
- Checking your property after a major incident
- Emergency response coordinators
- Overseas school trips and exchanges
- Health and safety glossary
- List of health and safety tools
- Property, procurement and school transport
- Procurement of goods and services
- Health and safety management
- Safe use and electrical equipment testing
- Fire safety
- Hazardous substances on school sites
- Managing asbestos in schools
- Managing contractor health and safety
- Managing thermal comfort in classrooms
- Moulds and fungi
- Risks and hazards on school property
- Traffic management at schools
- Urgent health and safety work
- Checking your property after a major incident
- Carbon reduction guidance
- Leasing and hiring land and buildings
- Maintenance, repairs and security
- Information for infrastructure suppliers
- Automatic vehicle location technology
- Health and safety incident reporting on Ministry-led construction projects
- Performance management of construction suppliers and consultants
- Property projects led by schools and by the Ministry
- 10 Year Property Plan information for consultants
- Role of the project manager
- School bus procurement
- Technical information for ICT contractors
- Weathertightness remediation
- Pokapū Waka Kura
- Design review
- Projects and design
- Property planning
- Property training and events
- Roles and responsibilities in property management
- School facilities
- Bike and fitness tracks at schools
- Billboards on school grounds
- Boilers for school heating
- Car parks
- Cellphone towers on school sites
- Energy, water and waste management
- Historic heritage features on school sites
- Houses for teachers and caretakers
- Playgrounds on school sites
- Learning support and specialist school related facilities' property entitlement
- Rest facilities at schools
- Running a hostel
- Swimming pools at schools
- Teen Parent Units
- School transport
- School transport assistance
- Accidents and incidents on school transport
- School bus route maps
- Bus controllers
- School transport for directly resourced schools
- School transport for Māori-medium schools
- Te pūtea tūnuku ki ngā kura Māori
- Technology class school bus
- Route design
- School transport contacts
- School Transport Hub | Pokapū Waka Kura
- Apply for school transport assistance – School Transport Hub | Pokapū Waka Kura
- Property staff contact details
- School planning and reporting: Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together for Ākonga Success
- Funding and financials
- Resourcing: Operational funding and staffing entitlements
- School board elections funding
- Pourato
- Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR)
- Operational funding
- Additional relief teacher funding
- Roll returns (monitoring)
- School and kura staffing
- Provisional rolls for schools and kura 2024
- Staffing for roll growth
- Resource teacher learning and behaviour (RTLB) support funding
- Special purpose units (activity centres, teen parent units, other)
- Principals’ salary grades
- Attached teacher staffing and funding
- Technology provision for Years 7 and 8
- Ongoing resourcing scheme
- Reading recovery travel reimbursements
- Extraordinary Roll Growth funding
- ACC claims
- Ngā Manu Kōrero funding
- Emergency staffing scheme
- Interim response fund (IRF)
- School funding for Programmes for Students (PfS)
- Forms for resourcing
- Non-teaching staff – funding for settlement of collective agreements
- Resourcing information for private schools
- Funding for small schools
- ESOL funding
- Boarding allowances
- International Student Wellbeing Strategy 2019/20 funding
- Property funding
- Furniture and equipment funding for state schools
- Furniture and equipment for integrated schools
- Property maintenance grant
- Capital and maintenance funding for integrated schools
- Vandalism funding
- 5 Year Agreement (5YA) funding
- Accelerated modernisation scheme
- Non-teaching space funding
- Site extensions
- Learning support property modifications
- Teaching space funding
- Board funding for property projects
- Sustainability Contestable Fund
- School Investment Package
- Accommodation for Learning Support Coordinators
- Council rates paid by schools
- Managing school finances
- Insurance
- Fees, charges and donations
- Donations scheme FAQs
- What parents, caregivers and whānau need to know about donations
- Examples of what parents, caregivers and whānau do and do not have to pay
- Schools and kura with an EQI of 432 and above and opting in to the donations scheme
- Examples of donations and payments for schools and kura in the donations scheme
- Schools or kura with an EQI below 431 and schools or kura who are not opting into the donations scheme
- Examples of donations and payments for schools and kura not in the donations scheme
- ACC claims
- School tax issues
- Resourcing: Operational funding and staffing entitlements
- People and employment
- Become a teacher or return to teaching
- Principals and teachers
- Primary principals
- Primary teachers
- Secondary principals
- Secondary teachers
- Area school principals
- Area school teachers
- Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu Early Childhood teachers
- Kindergarten teachers
- Police vetting for schools and kura Māori
- Performance management
- Scholarships, awards and funding for people working in schools
- Risk assessments for Police vets under the Education and Training Act 2020
- Non-teaching staff
- Employment agreements
- Pay, leave and personal development
- Pay
- Staffing incentive allowance
- Isolation allowance
- High priority principals’ allowance
- Priority teacher supply allowance
- Advanced classroom expertise teacher allowance
- Associate teacher allowance
- Māori immersion allowance
- Pacific bilingual immersion teaching allowance
- Normal school allowance
- Principal recruitment allowance
- RTLB allowances
- Specialist teacher and specialist classroom teacher allowance
- Specialist school principals’ allowance
- Cultural leadership allowances
- Leave for principals and teachers
- Non-teaching time for teachers
- Relocation costs if you're shifting schools
- Surplus staffing
- Medical retirement for principals and teachers
- Resignation, dismissal and retirement
- Pay equity
- Pay equity claims in the education sector
- Pay equity funding
- Therapists' Pay Equity Claim
- Residential support workers, youth workers and team leaders pay equity claim
- Librarians and library assistants' pay equity claim
- Science technicians' pay equity claim
- Administration support staff in schools pay equity claim
- Kaiārahi i te reo pay equity claim
- Teachers' pay equity claim
- Teacher aide pay equity claim
- The pay equity claims process
- Changes to the Equal Pay Act
- Digital technology
- Digital technology updates
- ICT helpdesk
- ICT risk management
- Data and information management
- Authentication
- ICT incidents
- Your ICT network
- Software
- Microsoft training
- Google training
- Adobe software for schools
- Antivirus software for NZ schools
- Apple technology in schools
- Google software for schools
- Microsoft software for schools
- Running updates: keep your systems updated
- SketchUp licensing
- Turnitin
- Video conferencing options and guidance
- Digital identity for online learning (DI4OL)
- Devices
- SchoolDNS: Domain name registration service
- Generative AI
- Phones away for the day
- New Zealand's network of schools
- Ministry Bulletin for School Leaders | He Pitopito Kōrero
- Board information
- School terms and holiday dates
- Supporting students
- 16+ years
- Information for tertiary students
- Tertiary administration
- Policies and strategies
- Previous COVID-19 bulletins for tertiary and international education providers and students
- Research and statistics
- Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako
- Software vendors
- Wellbeing and safety support for tertiary students
- Our work
- About us
- Strategies and policies
- Targeting learning support for better student achievement
- Ka Hikitia – Ka Hāpaitia
- Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020–2030
- Tau Mai Te Reo
- Child Protection Policy
- Mōu Te Reo
- Te Ahu o te Reo Māori
- Te Rāngai Kāhui Ako ā-Iwi
- Wellbeing in schools and early learning services
- Te Rautaki Rawa Kura: The School Property Strategy 2030
- Improving achievement
- Increasing school attendance
- Changes in education
- Value-for-money reviews of school property
- Independent inquiry into the school property system
- The Equity Index
- How the Equity Index works
- How the Equity Index applies to funding
- The EQI shift and impact on other initiatives
- The EQI and ISO: How we calculate funding
- FAQs – Equity Index
- The Isolation Index
- How the Isolation Index works
- Isolation Index: What the changes mean for schools and kura
- The EQI and ISO: Examples of transition funding
- Curriculum and assessment changes
- Aotearoa New Zealand's histories and Te Takanga o Te Wā
- Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko learning
- Strengthening learning support
- Holidays Act programme (Ministry payroll)
- Rebuilding Christchurch schools
- Reducing emissions in schools and kura
- The Highest Needs Review
- National Flood Risk Management Programme
- Ngā iti Kahurangi: Improving classrooms in small or remote schools
- National School Redevelopment Programme
- Final pay when ending a job
- Counselling in schools
- Holidays Act programme (Schools payroll)
- Te Haratau
- Te Mahere Taiao – The Environmental Action Plan for School Property
- Clearer curriculum
- Schools payroll remediation
- SSRSS and TRSS superannuation compensation – schools payroll
- KiwiSaver remediation and compensation
- Ministerial Advisory Group reviewing school staffing
- Information releases
- Advice seen by our Ministers
- Disclosure of expenses
- Issue-specific releases
- Ministry of Education’s savings programme
- Abbey's Place Childcare Centre - Licence Review Process and recommendations for improvement
- Urgent Response Fund
- Workforce Development Councils
- ‘Every School Day is a Big Day’ – national communication campaign
- School Opening Hours Regulations
- Rebuild at Christchurch Girls High School
- Growing Māori Medium Education
- The Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) and the Tertiary Education Strate
- Massey University Early Literacy Research Project
- Extending eligibility to student support to people who were affected by the Christchurch mosques terror attack
- Early Learning Regulatory Review
- School donations
- Education and Training Bill
- Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches Programme
- Education and Training Bill 2020
- Apprenticeship Support Programme
- Education (Early Childhood Services) Amendment Regulations 2019
- Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020-2030
- Budget 2020 Information Release
- Secondary School Attendance in Auckland under Alert Level 3
- School Building Performance
- Refresh of the National Curriculum for Schooling
- Budget 2021 Information Release
- 2020 Early Learning Services Complaints and Incidents Report
- Attendance
- Information sharing agreements
- Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy
- Budget 2022 Information Release
- Driver licenses
- Ventilation in Schools
- Healthy Food and Nutrition in Schools
- Export Education Levy
- The Highest Needs Review - Background documents
- Cyber Security and Digital Support for Kura and Schools programme
- Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3) and Regulatory Systems (Education) Amendment Bill
- Wānanga Enabling Framework
- Unite Against COVID-19 website content
- 2023 Refresh of Action Plan for Pacific Education
- Budget 2023 Information Release
- Marlborough Schools Co-location
- Budget 2024 Information Release
- Te Wānanga o Raukawa - Order in Council Information Release
- Making an official information request
- Responses to Official Information Act requests
- Responses to Official Information Act requests 2023
- Responses to Official Information Act requests 2022
- Responses to Official Information Act requests 2021
- Responses to Official Information Act requests 2020
- Responses to Official Information Act requests 2019
- Responses to Official Information Act requests 2018
- Responses to Official Information Act requests 2017
- Transparency statement about information gathering for regulatory compliance purposes
- Consultations
- Consultation hub
- Paeroa College enrolment scheme consultation
- 2024 Vocational education and training reforms
- Tikipunga Primary School new enrolment scheme
- Turuturu School
- Carlton School enrolment scheme consultation
- Upper Clutha primary schools enrolment schemes amendments
- Silverstream (South) Primary School new enrolment scheme
- Tuia Burnside Primary School - Special programme wording
- Proposed amendments to the Education and Training Act 2020
- West Melton School: Minor amendment to the enrolment scheme
- Kirwee Model School: Minor amendment to the enrolment scheme
- Catholic Parish of Christ the Redeemer (Christchurch North) enrolment scheme amendments
- Barrytown School enrolment scheme
- Inglewood High School
- Proposed amendment to the Ngaere School enrolment scheme
- Putāruru College enrolment scheme
- Milford School Enrolment schemes amendment
- Rhode Street School enrolment scheme
- Ranui School - Special programme
- Consultation hub
- Legislation
- Education and Training Act 2020
- Education and Training Act 2020: Regulatory Impact Assessments and Supplementary Analysis Report
- The Education and Training Act 2020: Parents, whānau and students
- The Education and Training Act 2020: Information for Boards
- The Education and Training Act 2020: Early Learning me ngā Kōhanga Reo
- The Education and Training Act 2020: Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- The Education and Training Act 2020: Information for the disability sector
- The Education and Training Act 2020: Tertiary Education and Training
- Education and Training Act 2020: Prohibiting the provision of NCEA offshore
- Education and Training Act 2020: Strengthening Te Kura's Governance Arrangements
- Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Act 2020
- Education (School Donations) Amendment Act 2019
- Regulations to better support international students
- Definition of a domestic student
- National Education Goals (NEGs) and National Administration Guidelines (NAGs)
- Education and Training (Teaching Council Fees And Costs) Amendment Bill
- Regulatory Systems (Education) Amendment Act 2024
- Wānanga Enabling Framework
- Education and Training Amendment Act 2023
- The Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2)
- Education and Training Act 2020
- Publications
- Briefing documents for incoming ministers
- Budget 24
- Budget 2020
- Summary of Vote Education and Vote Tertiary Education initiatives
- Vote Education and Vote Tertiary Education initiatives Budget 2020 - five year funding breakdown
- Funding boost for early learning
- Supporting Māori learners, Kōhanga Reo, and revitalising te reo Māori
- Trades and Apprenticeships Training Package
- More school lunches for learners
- Adult and Community Education - a modern approach to night classes
- Paving the way for a fully qualified early learning workforce
- Further investment to move NCEA exams online
- Budget 2021
- Budget 2023
- Budget 2023 Education Highlights
- Major focus on early childhood education
- Continued infrastructure and digital investment
- Responding to cost and demand pressures
- Supporting those ākonga who need it the most
- Investment in Māori education outcomes
- Education Summary of Initiatives 2023
- Tertiary Education: Summary of Initiatives 2023
- Budget 2019
- Budget 2019 Information Release
- Summary of Education Portfolio Budget 2019 initiatives
- Education Portfolio Initiatives Budget 2019 - Five year funding breakdown
- Government introduces donations scheme for Decile 1-7 schools
- Te Kōhanga Reo Contingency Fund - Budget 2019
- Creatives in Schools
- Changes to strengthen NCEA
- Government invests to bolster teacher supply
- Budget 2019 funding for students at risk
- Increased learning support for pre-schoolers
- National Education Growth Plan
- Increased support for Deaf and hard-of-hearing students, and assistive technology
- Increased resources for ESOL in schools
- New funding for Pacific Education through Budget 19
- Budget 2022
- Education Budget 2022 Highlights
- Support for Early Learning Services
- Support for Schools
- Support for Student Engagement
- Budget 2022 Investment in Supporting All Schools to Succeed
- Māori Education Investment
- Continued Investment in School Infrastructure
- Education Summary of Initiatives 2022
- Tertiary Education Summary of Initiatives 2022
- Budget 2018
- Annual Reports
- Statement of Intent
- Education circulars
- The Education Gazette
- Long-term insights briefings