Kindergarten Teachers, Head Teachers and Senior Teachers' Collective Agreement

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3.1 Salary Scales

Subject to 3.2, the following salary rates apply:

K1 - Base-scale Teachers

prior to
1 Dec
1 Dec
3 July
1 Dec
3 April
2 Dec






103 Personal Grievance

For the purposes of this Act, personal grievance means any grievance that an employee may have against the employee's employer or former employer because of a claim-

that the employee has been unjustifiably dismissed; or
that the employee's employment, or 1 or more conditions of the employee's employment (including any condition that survives termination of the employment), is or are or was (during employment that has since been terminated) affected to the employee's disadva…

Terms of Settlement

This document sets out the components of the settlement of the Kindergarten Teachers, Head Teachers and Senior Teachers’ Collective Agreement (KTCA) 2023-2026.

This agreement has been settled between the Secretary for Education and the NZEI Te Riu Roa. It shall be subject to ratification by NZEI members pursuant to section 51 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.

The terms outlined in this document are valid for ratification by NZEI Te Riu Roa members.

1. Term of agreement

The Kindergarten T…

103A Test of Justification

For the purposes of section 103(1) (a) and (b), the question of whether a dismissal or an action was justifiable must be determined, on an objective basis, by applying the test in subsection (2).
The test is whether the employer’s actions, and how the employer acted, were what a fair and reasonable employer could have done in all the circumstances at the time the dismissal or action occurred.
In applying the test in subsection (2), the Authority or the court must consider-

whether, having regar…

8.3 Salary Scales

In the settlement of the Kindergarten Teachers, Head Teachers and Senior Teachers' Collective Agreement 2000-2002 the parties committed themselves to the implementation of pay parity for kindergarten teachers. Senior teacher K3 and K4 salaries were benchmarked to the base salary (excluding the roll-based supplementary component) of a primary U2 and U3 principal respectively.
Subject to 3.2, the following salary rates apply:

Scale K3 Senior Teachers

Rates prior to
1 Dec 2022
Rate effecti…

104 Discrimination

For the purposes of section 103(1) (c), an employee is discriminated against in that employee's employment if the employee's employer or a representative of that employer, by reason directly or indirectly of any of the prohibited grounds of discrimination specified in section 105, or the employee's union membership status or involvement in the activities of a union in terms of section 107,-

refuses or omits to offer or afford to that employee the same terms of employment, conditi…

Personal Grievances

A personal grievance is a particular type of employment relationship problem that normally must be raised with the employer within 90 days of the grievance arising.

An employee may have a personal grievance where:

They have been dismissed without good reason, or the dismissal was not carried out properly;
They have been treated unfairly;
Their employment or a condition of their employment has been affected to their disadvantage by an unjustified action of their employer;
They have experienced…

108 Sexual Harassment

For the purposes of sections 103(1)(d) and 123(d), an employee is sexually harassed in that employee's employment if that employee's employer or a representative of that employer-

directly or indirectly makes a request of that employee for sexual intercourse, sexual contact, or other form of sexual activity that contains-

an implied or overt promise of preferential treatment in that employee's employment; or
an implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment in that employee�…

108B Adverse Treatment in Employment of People Affected by Family Violence

For the purposes of sections 103(1)(da) and 123(1)(d), an employee is treated adversely in the employee’s employment on the ground that the employee is, or is suspected or assumed or believed to be, a person affected by family violence if, on the ground that the employee is, or is suspected or assumed or believed to be, a person affected by family violence (as that term is defined in section 69ABA), that employee’s employer or a representative of that employer-
Subsection (1) applies regardless…

109 Racial Harassment

For the purposes of sections 103(1)(e) and 123(d), an employee is racially harassed in the employee's employment if the employee's employer or a representative of that employer uses language (whether written or spoken), or visual material, or physical behaviour that directly or indirectly-

expresses hostility against, or brings into contempt or ridicule, the employee on the ground of the race, colour, or ethnic or national origins of the employee; and
is hurtful or offensive to the em…

110 Duress

For the purposes of section 103(1)(f), an employee is subject to duress in that employee's employment in relation to membership or non-membership of a union or employees organisation if that employee's employer or a representative of that employer directly or indirectly-

makes membership of a union or employees organisation or of a particular union or employees organisation a condition to be fulfilled if that employee wishes to retain that employee's employment; or
makes non-memb…