Research papers and other supporting material

To contribute to the development of the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy, a broad and varied range of material continues to inform the strategy’s direction.

The development team drew upon both previously published work and specially commissioned reports.


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While a wide range of material was considered and informed the strategy, references in the strategy document itself are limited to things that are directly referenced in the text.

The documents referenced in the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy include:

International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. (2016). PIRLS 2016 International results in reading: Home Environment Support. Retrieved from: link)

Morton, S.M.B., Walker, C.G., Gerritsen, S., Smith, A., Cha, J., Atatoa Carr, P., Chen, R., Exeter, D.J., Fa’alili-Fidow, J., Fenaughty, J., Grant, C. Kim, H., Kingi, T., Lai, H., Langridge, F., Marks, E.J., Meissel, K., Napier, C., Paine, S., Peterson, E.R., Pilai, A., Reese, E., Underwood, L., Waldie, K.E, Wall, C. (2020). Growing Up in New Zealand: A longitudinal study of New Zealand children and their families. Now We Are Eight. Auckland: Growing Up in New Zealand. Retrieved from: link)

Geist, E. (2015). Math anxiety and the ‘math gap’: how attitudes toward mathematics disadvantages students as early as preschool. Education. Spring 2015, Vol. 135 Issue 3, p328-336. Retrieved from: link)

Education Review Office (2015). Continuity of learning: transitions from early childhood services to schools. Retrieved from: link)

Education Review Office (2018). Responding to language diversity in Auckland. Retrieved from link)

May, S. with Jang-Jones, A. and McGregor, A. (2019). PISA 2018 New Zealand Summary Report System Performance & Equity. Retrieved from: link)

Rendall, S., Medina, E., Sutcliffe, R., and Marshall, N. (2020). Mathematics Year 5: Trends over 24 years in TIMSS; findings form TIMSS 2018/19. Wellington: Ministry of Education. Retrieved from: link)

Caygill, R., Zhao, B., Hunter, H., and Park, S. (2021). How our education system is performing for literacy: Progress and achievement of New Zealand learners in English medium settings; and Caygill, R. and Zhao, B. (2020). Progress and achievement and the context of mathematics and statistics learning in New Zealand (English medium education). Retrieved from: link) and link)

Education Review Office (2009). Reading and Writing in Years 1 and 2. Retrieved from: link)

Education Review Office. (2012). Literacy and Mathematics in Years 9 and 10: Using Achievement Information to Promote Success. Retrieved from: link)  

Rendall, S., Medina, E., Sutcliffe, R., and Marshall, N. (2020). Mathematics Year 5: Trends over 24 years in TIMSS; findings form TIMSS 2018/19. Wellington: Ministry of Education. Retrieved from: link)

Sutcliffe, R., Marshall, N., Rendall, S., and Medina, E. (2020). Mathematics Year 9: Trends over 25 years in TIMSS; findings form TIMSS 2018/19. Wellington: Ministry of Education. Retrieved from: link)

Caygill, R., Singh, S., & Hanlar, V. (2016). Mathematics Year 5: Trends over 20 years in TIMSS. Wellington: Ministry of Education. Retrieved from: link)

Young-Loveridge, J., Bicknell, B., and Mills, J. (2012). The mathematical content knowledge and attitudes of New Zealand pre-service primary teachers. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development 14.2, 28-49. Retrieved from: link)

Ministry of Education. (2021). Time Series Data: School Leavers with NCEA Level 2 or Above (2010-2020). Retrieved from School Leaver’s Attainment | Education Counts: link)

Royal Society Te Apārangi Expert Advisory Panel (2021). Pāngarau Mathematics and Tauanga Statistics in Aotearoa New Zealand. Retrieved from: link)

Ministry of Education and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (2016). Skills in New Zealand and around the world. Retrieved from: link)

Ministry of Education. (2021). Does streaming work? A review of the evidence. Retrieved from: (external link)

Tokona Te Raki – Māori Futures. 2021). Ending Streaming in Aotearoa. Retrieved from: link)

McNaughton, S. (2020) The Literacy Landscape in Aotearoa New Zealand, Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Education Scientific Advisor. Retrieved from: link)

Dudeney, G., Hockly, N., & Pergrum, M. (2013). Digital Literacies. London: Routledge; see also: McNaughton, S. (2021) Digital Literacy: A Review, Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Education Scientific Advisor. Retrieved from: link)

Ministry of Education. (2020). Shifting the dial on literacy. Retrieved from: link)

Published papers and workshop presentations

Download previously published papers and engagement workshop PowerPoint presentations:

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