Government announces Make It Count – A maths action plan

The Government has announced a plan to tackle maths achievement. You can read the announcement and fact sheet on the Beehive website.

Government transforms maths education – link)

Factsheet: Make it count [PDF, 106KB] – link)

This action plan follows the release of new data from the Curriculum Insights and Progress Study which found that just 22% of Year 8 students in English medium are at the expected curriculum level for maths. This study does not include data about ākonga in Māori medium or Kaupapa Māori education.

The goal is to have 80% of Year 8 students at or above the expected curriculum level for their age in reading, writing, and maths by December 2030.

What does this mean for students, ākonga, parents, caregivers and whānau?

There is no time to waste to lift student achievement and the Government’s plan to tackle maths achievement will help us do this.

Make it Count – A maths action plan

The plan will make changes in 3 key areas:

  • curriculum,
  • workforce and
  • accountability.

For more information including the key focus areas, read the information sheet.

Information sheet [PDF, 548 KB]

Updates about the plan and curriculum changes will continue to be shared on Tāhūrangi.

Tāhūrangi(external link)

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