Apply for the School High Health Needs Fund

The school or an educator is responsible for the completion of a School High Health Needs Fund application. They must work with mātua | parents to ensure they provide all current and relevant information.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Educators, Teachers and Kaiako
  • Learning Support Coordinators and SENCOs
  • Learning Support Specialist Staff
  • Specialist Health Workers
  • Boards
  • Principals and Tumuaki
  • Non-Government Agencies
  • Disability Sector
  • Mātua and Caregivers 

Who completes the application form

Educators must complete the application form with help from mātua | parents and caregivers to get all the necessary information. The medical statement section must be completed by the specialist for an ākonga or a current medical statement provided.

For a tamaiti | child not yet enrolled at school, it is best to apply 2 months before the proposed start date.

Before applying, read:

Eligibility criteria for the School High Health Needs Fund

Examples of students meeting the eligibility criteria for the SHHNF

Apply for the SHHNF

Download an application form and complete the:

  • ākonga information
  • health needs information
  • declaration
  • medical statement.

Learn more about the medical statement:

Medical statement

You will need to make sure all requested information is provided before you submit your application. We are unable to accept incomplete applications.

Once the application is completed in full, scan and email it to

You can apply at any time. You should complete a SHHNF review application for ākonga whose time in the fund has ended within the last 12 months.

Apply to extend ākonga time in the School High Health Needs Fund

Next steps

You will receive an auto-response when the application is received. If you do not receive an auto-response, check your junk/spam folder. You will only receive an auto-acknowledgement for your first email.

Each individual application will receive a formal acknowledgment within 5 working days of receipt. There may be delays at peak application times.

Where to get help

Contact your local office:

Local Ministry offices

Freephone (NZ only): 0800 622 222 (option 1)


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